Close To Arkansas State Sellout According To CBJ

I remember the stadium and atmosphere leading up to the '12 Fla game and optimism even through halftime. It was lije the olden days. I didn't attend last Saturday but I'm sure it was electric and it probably will be right up till we play Oklahoma. Give props to Butch for trying to keep the fan base intact!

Butch Jones urges fans to pack Neyland Stadium vs. Arkansas State

2012 Florida game did seem like the old days. The old days where I black out tailgating and wake up in the second quarter.
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Should have named it orange nation. They should also put shakers at every students seat
they should have named it the legions of the miserable and given everyone a can of stfu and a bottle of you'll like it

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It's just a name. To quote The Rock, "It doesn't matter!"
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Of course I remember tye olden days when they would announce a sell out crowd every week and there woukd be 20,000 empty seats in the stadium. They stopped that when the KNS called em out on it!
Doubt it will be a sellout, but we need Neyland to become a feared venue every home game.

12pm games...zzzzzzzzzzz fest for MOST fans. Hardly ever a sellout game for a nooner, too early. Not enough time to tailgate or get there on time because you have to leave for the game like at 8am.

3:30 is the BEST time or 6:30 enough time to tailgate AND get home on time

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