Closing Gitmo



Oct 21, 2004
The Prez just announced plans to close Gitmo.

Part of his argument is that it goes against our values but as I understand it he suggested several alternatives for holding the detainees in US facilities.

If they are held without a trial (e.g. Naval brig or Supermax) then why does it matter where we hold them?

I didn't hear if he is calling for a trial for all of them.

Also he talked about saving the money spent on holding them at Gitmo but of course it will cost to hold them hear as well so it's disingenuous to claim all the savings from shutting down this part of Gitmo activities.

He also threw out the "recruiting tool" stuff but data suggests it is not being used that way. Another red herring.

Congress will never go along.

Predictably he threw in the "don't play politics" BS while he was doing exactly that.
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He promised this and I'm surprised he's actually trying to deliver. Maybe he thinks it will never pass and it's a safe play for him.

If they are held without a trial (e.g. Naval brig or Supermax) then why does it matter where we hold them?

I don't think this is the only argument against Gitmo.

Also he talked about saving the money spent on holding them at Gitmo but of course it will cost to hold them hear as well so it's disingenuous to claim all the savings from shutting down this part of Gitmo activities.

I am not sure how it will all play out, but I'm sure there are savings to be had.

I think there is value in how this will be viewed by our western friends, as well as our enemies.
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The Prez just announced plans to close Gitmo.

Part of his argument is that it goes against our values but as I understand it he suggested several alternatives for holding the detainees in US facilities.

If they are held without a trial (e.g. Naval brig or Supermax) then why does it matter where we hold them?

I didn't hear if he is calling for a trial for all of them.

Also he talked about saving the money spent on holding them at Gitmo but of course it will cost to hold them hear as well so it's disingenuous to claim all the savings from shutting down this part of Gitmo activities.

He also threw out the "recruiting tool" stuff but data suggests it is not being used that way. Another red herring.

Congress will never go along.

Predictably he threw in the "don't play politics" BS while he was doing exactly that.
Obama talking about money savings is about as genuine as Ted Kennedy talking about sobriety
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He promised this and I'm surprised he's actually trying to deliver. Maybe he thinks it will never pass and it's a safe play for him.

I don't think this is the only argument against Gitmo.

I am not sure how it will all play out, but I'm sure there are savings to be had.

I think there is value in how this will be viewed by our western friends, as well as our enemies.

He made an appeal to our values - how is detaining someone without trial in line with our values if it's on US soil but not if it's on US soil in another country?

If he's worried about terrorist recruiting he may want to start with the drone program...
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In classic Obama division he said people who oppose this are just trying to scare the public.

If you disagree with me you have sinister motives.

Most divisive president in my lifetime.
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He made an appeal to our values - how is detaining someone without trial in line with our values if it's on US soil but not if it's on US soil in another country?

If he's worried about terrorist recruiting he may want to start with the drone program...

Well, I'm definitely not saying that he isn't a hypocrite. This is just political and not at all consistent with the rest of his administration.
In classic Obama division he said people who oppose this are just trying to scare the public.

If you disagree with me you have sinister motives.

Most divisive president in my lifetime.

He is a master manipulator...................reminds me of my ex wife
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In classic Obama division he said people who oppose this are just trying to scare the public.

If you disagree with me you have sinister motives.

Most divisive president in my lifetime.

It's because he truly hates America. He hates everything it stands for, and is an enemy to this country. Progressives try to spin everything as "tea party nonsense," but if someone does actual research on him and his influences they will find that he is a product of communism. It's unfortunate there are so many stupid liberals that have been brainwashed and perpetuate his nonsense. There will be a day when people will literally have to choose a side as if their lives depend on it.
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He promised this and I'm surprised he's actually trying to deliver. Maybe he thinks it will never pass and it's a safe play for him.

In other words, Im going on record for my promise years ago that hasn't meant that much in the time between. While Im packing my bags to leave.
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He made an appeal to our values - how is detaining someone without trial in line with our values if it's on US soil but not if it's on US soil in another country?

If he's worried about terrorist recruiting he may want to start with the drone program...

Exactly. "Values" are funny coming from him.
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What is it about this azzhole isn't political? Every.... single.... thing... he has done has been agenda/politically motivated. Everything.

The one thing I might be reluctant to call him is a hypocrite. He has done almost everything to destroy this country as we know it... oh... sorry "fundamentally change" that he promised.
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What values does he speak of? I always find that word amusing when tossed out by democrats.
Gitmo should've been closed a long time ago. Although the pigs blood bullets crowd is about to show up and disagree with me.
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Gitmo lost it's appeal after they got rid of the cactus curtain and no man's land lol. You know you are on a cool Navy installation when it is bordered by a minefield to keep the Cuban's out of your rack :)
It's because he truly hates America. He hates everything it stands for, and is an enemy to this country. Progressives try to spin everything as "tea party nonsense," but if someone does actual research on him and his influences they will find that he is a product of communism. It's unfortunate there are so many stupid liberals that have been brainwashed and perpetuate his nonsense. There will be a day when people will literally have to choose a side as if their lives depend on it.

I won't go there because I'd be doing exactly what I criticize him for.

I don't know his motives.

I know he's an ideologue.

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