Coach Jumper: Prediction: Diamond WILL be a Jumper again

Blood relation, and I know she, nor any coaches talk crap or recruiting, so you, and mtsuraider are both guessing on what you hope to know. I can tell you this, holly has this team in a really good place, really good. I think right now UConn is number one and UT is number two, because of seating. We are every teams second worse nightmare, and UCONNs first

For those of you who say this bulletin board isn't read by any of the UT staff... explain this for me:

I posted the above and spoke of the need for an Alpha influence for our alpha players on the 25th of Feb pasted below:
02-25-2016 at 4:58 PM

Diamond, Graves and Cooper all need the very same thing. An Alpha to influence them.

It's not necessarily for the coaching aspect. Holly, Dean, Kyra, and Jollette all know how to teach and run teams. The missing ingredient is that influence that can pick these girls up and slam them back down when they need it.

Its quite like the Mom/Dad thing with a daughter. Daughter gets upset. Mom tries to calm her down and just incites her more, Dad steps in a says, "Calm down, shut up,,, now, whats going on kiddo..." and the world magically lifts off of her.

this could be a gender reversal as well. Mom could be the alpha... But until that child get in front of someone who can bring her back to earth... she will stay frazzled.


In the newspaper sports page, right at the top today, that exact date is mentioned as the day Jollette talked to DD and and her game turned around.

Nope, the staff doesn't read this forum. coincidence... Has to be.

Thanks for the laugh.
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For those of you who say this bulletin board isn't read by any of the UT staff... explain this for me:

I posted the above and spoke of the need for an Alpha influence for our alpha players on the 25th of Feb pasted below:
02-25-2016 at 4:58 PM

Diamond, Graves and Cooper all need the very same thing. An Alpha to influence them.

It's not necessarily for the coaching aspect. Holly, Dean, Kyra, and Jollette all know how to teach and run teams. The missing ingredient is that influence that can pick these girls up and slam them back down when they need it.

Its quite like the Mom/Dad thing with a daughter. Daughter gets upset. Mom tries to calm her down and just incites her more, Dad steps in a says, "Calm down, shut up,,, now, whats going on kiddo..." and the world magically lifts off of her.

this could be a gender reversal as well. Mom could be the alpha... But until that child get in front of someone who can bring her back to earth... she will stay frazzled.


In the newspaper sports page, right at the top today, that exact date is mentioned as the day Jollette talked to DD and and her game turned around.

Nope, the staff doesn't read this forum. coincidence... Has to be.
This reminds me of the story about a rat and an outhouse if anybody understands what I'm saying. :crazy:
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This team has four undeniable alpha-female players:
Graves, DeShields, Meme Jackson and Cooper. . . they are without a doubt alpha-females...An alpha will only follow another alpha. the rest of the populous are below them in their mind and they will not follow one they don't consider greater than them. if you will think about it, these are the ones that are having inconsistent or lacking performances.

what is needed is one person on that coaching staff who can put these girls in their place, without, taking the spirit out of them. . . I could do that. Look at my video of my team. I never have to raise my voice or jump on them because i understand how to coach females.

I could never instruct Holly on how to do this for two reasons. Holly is not an Alpha and I am not a female coach....I can't teach a non-alpha how to be one. And I certainly can't teach one not of my gender how to be coach like me... Another alpha female would be much better equipped to do that. . . it's not a cop-out... its all in gender-difference... Holly could say something like "that was the most pitiful effort i have ever seen". most females would take that statement from "one of their own gender" and bow-up and conquer, where if most male coaches said the same thing, the girl would shutdown.

Solution, give me 1 workout with DD or Basha or Coop and you would see immediate change.

I've seen a hundred AAU coaches just like you. Give it a rest. If your knowledge is that vast, shouldn't you have graduated from the AAU circuit by now?
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Was it not Abbe Conklin that Pat said I can't coach you because you think you know it all and you have your own agenda. These girls all seemed to have their own agenda at times
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Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!! !!!!!!!! !!!!!! !!! !!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hear the entire collection of coaches for both men and women throughout the NCAA and many international coaches are now checking in to VN just to learn at your feet. Your BB acumen is just that awesome.


When I post it is for those who appreciate someone else's viewpoints. Yes often i get in verbal wars. I should mute and ignore you, but when I do, and i see your name, but can't see the comment, and I un-ignore and boom, here's the attack. Its not in my nature to let things like these said by without defending my position.

Yes, I am an AAU coach. Who has worked exclusively with the higher level 12-16 year olds for the last 13 years. No, this does not qualify me to be HW's replacement, but it does qualify me to have a valid coach's opinion because i have experienced many of the things that happen to HW. I have blown out, gotten blown out and been in very tight games. Dealt with great kids and parents, and had prima-donna parents and kids. Had refs that had vendettas and had refs that didn't treat me in any way different to anyone else,,, etc, etc..

Bottom line is, when I post, I can't designate it to only the ones who use my posts as conversation fodder or to learn a different viewpoint towards understanding...

Haters will hate no matter what, but I don't post for them. For every hater, there is one who appreciates my writings... It is those who I post for..

Those who referenced what I wrote on this post,


Volicity: I've seen a hundred AAU coaches just like you. Give it a rest. If your knowledge is that vast, shouldn't you have graduated from the AAU circuit by now?

Orange Maniac: This reminds me of the story about a rat and an outhouse if anybody understands what I'm sayin

Golf 437: Thanks for the laugh

Chitownvol1145: Jumper, admit it, you are a negitive nancy, and need testosterone treatment, you basketball knowledge is front runner, poo poo anyone facing adversity. HOLLY, has embarrassed you, and your kind, so has this team. Even if they fail, somewhere forward, Pat did numerous times, you failed. She has succeeded, and she recruited all these ladies,

Munsterland: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!! !!!!!!!! !!!!!! !!! !!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hear the entire collection of coaches for both men and women throughout the NCAA and many international coaches are now checking in to VN just to learn at your feet. Your BB acumen is just that awesome.

Speckvol: DSM-5 criteria for narcissistic personality disorder include these features:

Having an exaggerated sense of self-importance
Expecting to be recognized as superior even without achievements that warrant it
Exaggerating your achievements and talents
Being preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty or the perfect mate
Believing that you are superior and can only be understood by or associate with equally special people
Requiring constant admiration
Having a sense of entitlement
Expecting special favors and unquestioning compliance with your expectations
Taking advantage of others to get what you want
Having an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others
Being envious of others and believing others envy you
Behaving in an arrogant or haughty manner
Although some features of narcissistic personality disorder may seem like having confidence, it's not the same. Narcissistic personality disorder crosses the border of healthy confidence into thinking so highly of yourself that you put yourself on a pedestal and value yourself more than you value others.

Bearcsat204: So you are taking some credit here? Come on Doug, don't take yourself so seriously


Those on this thread alone, who seemingly appreciate what I write:

MDVolFan14: (1)Agree that you can win with her. But she is still raw and needs that "alpha" coach that can coach her. This year will be a learning process for her I believe but she needs that "alpha" voice to get in her ear and take that raw talent and mold it kinda of like Geno has done with Stewie... (2) Excellent point about "alphas".... Some players are motivated by just a few words. Others need a strong hand/voice in their ear. DD appears to be the latter. HW played Robin to Batman for so many years and like you said CoachJ, she wasn't ready to take over Gotham when Batman left. . . It's easy to say spoiled, privileged, bad attitude, etc. but she is not the only one on this team that is not feeling this staff. Others are not in the spotlight like she is being filmed, photographed and interview all of the time.

BOBKITTEN: I think DD sees college ball as her warm up, an audition to pro ball. It is her chance to be on a winning team and showcase her talent. It has not worked out that way.Perhaps athletes, like regular students, need to choose schools based on things like academics and love of the school, not on less important things like "TV time" and where your BFs go.

CHIEF88: Your assessment of this kid is spot on. But DDs and the teams lack of focus mirrors that of the entire coaching staff. None of these kids see Coach Warlick as a credible coach/leader. She is Holly to them. Not only is DD not been coached in a manner that gets her motivated to play at a high level, none of them have. Did anyone see them set a pick for a shot last night or actively block some one off the boards? The warm ups don't speak to a disciplined routine. I watched a defeated team last night. I also watched the faces of the coaches looking up at the UT contingent -- No One, I Mean No One Was in Control.

Darth_vol: I agree. I don't know Diamond, and I have no idea if any of this is true. But if it is, I would consider it a parenting fail, rather than putting it on the coach(es). Not that I would second guess a parent who would go after the coach on twitter. Whether you agree with what he said or not, the twitter rant was not a good look for Diamond's father. And if Diamond does a one-and-done transfer for a second time it won't be a good look for her, regardless of how disappointing the season was for her both individually and the team..

Armchair: It is very easy to be enamored with talent--most fans are, including myself. But talent doesn't mean squat if you don't produce.

Voldon18: Too many problems, so few solutions. Coach Jumper and Armchair, thanks for the interesting dissections of our team's ills.

Madgeyoung: You make sense of this horrible season. Go talk to Dave Hart and apply for this job….Enjoyed Coach Jumper's assessment of DD. Sounds like she has her pegged.

Tonybalogna: You beat me to it. Her chance at playing in the WNBA is going to be low now. That's a shame with a player of her talent. I wondered why she left UNC so quickly after her freshman season. She was just too good for it to be nothing. DeShields is such a solid player. She has so many skills. She can play both offense & defense. But, if she has emotional problems then that's going to stop her from progressing.

CincyLadyVol: Coach Jumper, what do you suggest to fix this program? Give us a rundown on how you'd turn it around. And what can be done if Holly stays?

T.J.: Makes all the more sense now. Diamond truly wanted to play for coach Summit. The one coach that could had given her that guidance and authoritative nature. It just wasn't Tennessee it was the coach that was the lure. Now, she's paying the ultimate price of playing for Summit's assistant who doesn't have a clue on how to run a team.


I don’t write what I write for you haters, so hit ignore and ignore me, or post assaults against me and be “ignore-ant”… if that’s your purpose on this board,to bully, then bully on.

I post here because it is a conversation board and because there are a few here who appreciate what I write... Anyone else,please "just say no... the "Ignore" button is easy to use... So if you're not interested in what I write,use it. NP

I have only started 8 threads since I started using this site this season... If they were getting under 1000 looks, I would know that they are only being seen once then not read again... But if they go over 2000 then i know they did ok.


Bottom line is, I am here for those who enjoy sharing thoughts and ideas on matters concerning the LV's ...and I am going to try not to let those of you who don't care to read what I write,,,Un-responded to.

Thanks Volnation,
It has been and will be fun moving forward..
Coach Jumper
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The problem is that you think people don't want or don't care to hear your insight.....which is so far from the truth it hurts a little. If you weren't such a narcissistic blowhard, people might actually be able to see your posts as somewhat informative and interesting.
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The problem is that you think people don't want or don't care to hear your insight.....which is so far from the truth it hurts a little. If you weren't such a narcissistic blowhard, people might actually be able to see your posts as somewhat informative and interesting.

point taken BC
The problem is that you think people don't want or don't care to hear your insight.....which is so far from the truth it hurts a little. If you weren't such a narcissistic blowhard, people might actually be able to see your posts as somewhat informative and interesting.
Exactly correct. The BB discussion is fine. It's the self promotion, break your arm to pat your own back as a coaching genius that's repulsive. Just because a post gathers a lot of hits doesn't mean it's spot on. The crazy stuff on sites get just as much traffic.
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Exactly correct. The BB discussion is fine. It's the self promotion, break your arm to pat your own back as a coaching genius that's repulsive. Just because a post gathers a lot of hits doesn't mean it's spot on. The crazy stuff on sites get just as much traffic.


I will file this under " from a hater...not valid"
Nothing wrong with offering your opinion. I agree with you on most you have said about the Lady Vols. The delivery is all wrong and rubs most people the wrong way. Your posts come off very arrogant. You seem to not live in reality in regards to what coaching at the level you coach really means.Coaching middle school boys or girls is not the same as coaching college kids or pros. Many posters have played and coached at higher levels than you have and we wouldn't dare to act like experts who go around calling ourselves "coach." We respect people who are real coaches who have earned the title. I doubt you ever played at a decently high level. If you did you would have more respect for real coaches. Cut down on the arrogance and acting like you are an expert and people wouldn't respond negatively. Stop tooting your own horn so much. If you were such an expert you would have moved to coaching a higher level by now running a high level high school age AAU program with D1 prospects or college players.
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The problem is that you think people don't want or don't care to hear your insight.....which is so far from the truth it hurts a little. If you weren't such a narcissistic blowhard, people might actually be able to see your posts as somewhat informative and interesting.

All I see in a post like like this is "narcisstic blowhard" ... You pick a fight then ask me to take your wisdom... Sorry, but your credibility is shot when you address me in this manner

Instead of taking what you wrote and thinking about it, it makes me want to tell you to go to H
Nothing wrong with offering your opinion. I agree with you on most you have said about the Lady Vols. The delivery is all wrong and rubs most people the wrong way. Your posts come off very arrogant. You seem to not live in reality in regards to what coaching at the level you coach really means.Coaching middle school boys or girls is not the same as coaching college kids or pros. Many posters have played and coached at higher levels than you have and we wouldn't dare to act like experts who go around calling ourselves "coach." We respect people who are real coaches who have earned the title. I doubt you ever played at a decently high level. If you did you would have more respect for real coaches. Cut down on the arrogance and acting like you are an expert and people wouldn't respond negatively. Stop tooting your own horn so much. If you were such an expert you would have moved to coaching a higher level by now running a high level high school age AAU program with D1 prospects or college players.


You don't know a thing about me except a MS program where a coach used me long enough for me to show her some of my drills... You assume much... We can start from day one and calm down or you can continue to agitate me like BC and we will be enemies.

I prefer to be grown up about this... You?
All I see in a post like like this is "narcisstic blowhard" ... You pick a fight then ask me to take your wisdom... Sorry, but your credibility is shot when you address me in this manner

Instead of taking what you wrote and thinking about it, it makes me want to tell you to go to H

I honestly don't give a rip what you want to tell me, no skin off my back. You just seem to be struggling to understand why you have "haters" and I am just trying to point you in the right direction to find your answer. Starts with you my man and you will find that if you are at least cordial with people, they may actually get to your actual posts that contain substance. You have a good insight into girls basketball, but when you wrap it in the babble of your normal posts, people don't see that.
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I honestly don't give a rip what you want to tell me, no skin off my back. You just seem to be struggling to understand why you have "haters" and I am just trying to point you in the right direction to find your answer. Starts with you my man and you will find that if you are at least cordial with people, they may actually get to your actual posts that contain substance. You have a good insight into girls basketball, but when you wrap it in the babble of your normal posts, people don't see that.


Much better, BC.

You have given me something to consider, and I promise I will... Thanks for that

Much better, BC.

You have given me something to consider, and I promise I will... Thanks for that

The part in red is what people are trying to point out to you Coach. That is totally unnecessary and quite the D _ _ K thing to say. You sound like you are "above" him and you "approve" of the way he spoke to you that time as opposed to the other time. A simple..."Thanks, I will consider your comments" would have been the appropriate response.
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The part in red is what people are trying to point out to you Coach. That is totally unnecessary and quite the D _ _ K thing to say. You sound like you are "above" him and you "approve" of the way he spoke to you that time as opposed to the other time. A simple..."Thanks, I will consider your comments" would have been the appropriate response.


I am making an effort,T...Really trying to amend some attacks and defensive posts.....

have patience with me, I'll get there.

You don't know a thing about me except a MS program where a coach used me long enough for me to show her some of my drills... You assume much... We can start from day one and calm down or you can continue to agitate me like BC and we will be enemies.

I prefer to be grown up about this... You?

I am calm. I'm not trying to attack you. I'm just letting you know why even when you make good points it upsets people. You need to learn a little humility. The "coach" thing and posting like people need or really want your opinion annoys people. I don't have a problem with you at all. Like I have said several times I do believe calling yourself "coach" is arrogant. More than that it is disrespectful to people who coach as a profession who have dedicated their lives to coaching, high school, college, or pro.
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