Say it aloud 3 times
Coach H, Coach H, Coach H
doesn't flow,,
now try saying Coach K 3 times
it flows
get over it
How your legendary coach pronounces his name versus the way it is spelled.,.
(Krzyzewski=Shishevski ???? Phonetically it should have been Krezizuski
I would have opted for Coach K, L or M before I have my kids try to sound that out...just saying
Who is my legendary coach again? I have no particular love for Coach K, other than recognizing the ubiquity of his brand name.
If you took a national survey of college basketball fans and ask "who is Coach K?"--- 78, 489, 567 would say Mike Kryzewski and 4 (all on this board) would say Kellie Harper.
But, we do have a major problem. You are completely right that Coach H does not have much alliterative merit.
What a dilemma!. What could we possibly call Coach Harper. I mean consider Coach Rick Barnes; he has had to be known as "Coach B" right cause you know Barnes, like Harper, is just so hard to pronounce and spell. Those names have like six freaking letters, with all sorts of vowels and consonants and they have to be the right order even.
Let's say I type, Coach RprHaer or Coach Prhrah, who would know who is being referred to? So, that is lot of work. Leave it to Kellie Harper to have a name where the letters have to be exactly in the right order.
And where do you put the enunciative emphasis - Coach HAR-Per or coach H-AR-Per? Okay maybe it's the same pronunciation but still you have decide where to put the dash.
And OMG, if we went with Coach Kellie! How are we supposed to remember her name ends in "ie" and not "y"
Maybe, Coach Rprrahe, dammit, Hrprea, ugh Hraepr, Coach H....A.....R....P.....E.....(think, think, breathe) R (whew I am exhausted #KellieHarper-is-too-hard-to-type) should follow Prince's lead and adopt an unpronounceable symbol as her moniker.
PS, this is the tryptophan talking....