College Game Day

I have the Comcast One Moment Please blue screen on College Game Day. Don't know why, everything else is fine.

So I'm grimly watching the end of a hairstyling infomercial on the channel that will carry the game. :banghead2::banghead2:
All these guys seem tired. Too tired for a college atmosphere. The show needs new blood.
The show needs somebody not from the Big 10 or Notre Dame. Sick of so many on tv from those programs rather than former SEC players.
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Ut wins. But the threat is always there for Petrino to scor 21 points out of nowhere. So it could be 21-21 then we pull away, or we could be down 21-14 and then take the game over, or be up 28-10 and be tied 31-31. This is a game WE WILL win as long as we understand this is a 4 quarter game. I think with all the upset talk UT brings the A game. I think 45-28 UT.

Not a bad prediction. Very much in the neighborhood of the final count.

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