Comcast is the worst!

It was only a couple of years ago that if you called Comcast with a technical issue during business hours you would get someone at least trained in rudimentary trouble shooting and for whom English is their first laguage....not so now while you're talking to 'Joe' in the Philippines his first question is invariably something like 'is your unit is plugged into the wall'...
It was only a couple of years ago that if you called Comcast with a technical issue during business hours you would get someone at least trained in rudimentary trouble shooting and for whom English is their first laguage....not so now while you're talking to 'Joe' in the Philippines his first question is invariably something like 'is your unit is plugged into the wall'...

There's a reason why they ask that question first and it's because most people are idiots.
Simple. Lack of competition means they can act how they want. And by lack of competition, I mean no other cable company competing for business, not satellite. If there were 2 cable companies in the area, I would suspect you would see much better customer service.


They all suck. I choose Comcast because nobody else can touch their internet service in regards to speed.

And this are the only reasons Comcast is still in business.
You're going to see telephone companies start spreading their fiber tv services to more areas. Verizon fios, att u verse, and centurylink prism. Most all of those providers have them rolled out to major markets. Once they roll out to smaller markets the competition will be great.
I have Uverse now and it's fine. The only reason I'm switching is AT&T refuses to move my phone line. Instead of coming off the pole in front of the house, the line comes off a pole 1/8 mile down the road, up the ditch and through my backyard. It was cut numerous times while neighbors built houses and now we want to install a pool which the line would have to be moved or cut. If we cut it, we have to pay but they will not move it.

Comcast's line comes off the pole in front of the house. Outside of that I wouldn't be changing.

They pay for that easement with a contract? Looks like you might have a case if you didn't sign anything.I understand if it's between houses as a utility easement, but not backyard.

A railroad can't just come through your property without paying for it and a contract.
UVerse isn't a big improvement service wise over Comcast, in my opinion, and the internet sucks in comparison.

Its one of those situations where you've gotta bohica either way at some point.
They pay for that easement with a contract? Looks like you might have a case if you didn't sign anything.I understand if it's between houses as a utility easement, but not backyard.

A railroad can't just come through your property without paying for it and a contract.

It sounds like that's how the techs ran the "drop". If so it was a pretty terrible shortcut the tech took.
I have Uverse now and it's fine. The only reason I'm switching is AT&T refuses to move my phone line. Instead of coming off the pole in front of the house, the line comes off a pole 1/8 mile down the road, up the ditch and through my backyard. It was cut numerous times while neighbors built houses and now we want to install a pool which the line would have to be moved or cut. If we cut it, we have to pay but they will not move it.

Comcast's line comes off the pole in front of the house. Outside of that I wouldn't be changing.

Switch back after Comcast fixes the line. :)
UVerse isn't a big improvement service wise over Comcast, in my opinion, and the internet sucks in comparison.

Its one of those situations where you've gotta bohica either way at some point.


Uverse's big retention offer after 2 years of high tier, auto drafted payments? 10 bucks off a month.

Upon explaining my neighborhood actually has great competition (uverse, Comcast, knology, and I threw in mobile broadband) they offered a $25 gift certificate to

So...I'll play the others against each other.
I've never had Comcast but I have similar complaints with Charter.

I've had Charter for years now. When they first came to town they were rude & if you made an appointment for them to come to the house they would schedule you between 8-5. Well, people have jobs too during those hours & you'd have to take a full day off work to see the tech guy. After the mayor was tired of all the complaints from the citizens & got the Jackson Energy Department to go into the cable business that bad customer service quickly went away. Now, Charter is really good at their service here in Jackson. I think their prices on some channel line-ups are too steep. But since they have some competition around here they have become a lot better than w/out.
They pay for that easement with a contract? Looks like you might have a case if you didn't sign anything.I understand if it's between houses as a utility easement, but not backyard.

A railroad can't just come through your property without paying for it and a contract.

No nothing like that. The line only serves my house I can do with it what I want. AT&T will not reroute it without me paying.
Charter sucks, the monthly bill goes up a few bucks every month, no benefits for longtime customers. They told me if I cancel my service for 60 days I can get the promotional rates again, wow. Netflix here I come.

This is apparently the only way to get reduced rates now days...
Somewhat on topic...I volunteer at a local community center and I have a few seniors that want internet service...none have or want cable and all have landlines...all single user desktop only...whats the best and least expensive provider for this in the in the 37917 and 37918 area...thanks

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