Congress...who gains and who loses in Nov?

The country loses because no matter which side gains control they will continue their ineffectiveness.
What about Elmer Fudd...I mean Charles Rangel heading one of THE most important committees in the House?
So now I know how to push your buttons....file this in the "Weaknesses" file.

i honestly can't believe corker is polling better than ford. i mean, did ford's family really screw it up for him bad enough that he can't even beat a candidate who isn't even terribly popular in the city in which he used to be mayor?
Democrats WILL NOT gain control of any thing. Despite being handed all the political fuel and fire they would ever need they have yet to capitalize on any thing. If the democrats ever decide to run on any thing other than how much they hate W, then we can talk and learn to love socialism.
The Repubs will be fine if they get the message out that voting Demo is going to put the extreme left in power. Speaker Pelosi?? I would rather move to France.
So you're saying this election won't be about how good the GOP is but how bad the Dems are? One reason I'm not too thrilled about being on this side. When you have nothing to run on except how bad the other side is you know the whole party is bankrupt.
The country loses because no matter which side gains control they will continue their ineffectiveness.

Might actually be a grand deduction. Pubs = lesser of 2 evils.

Voting Demo would be like sex with a very ugly women..."If I have to, but i'm not looking and I won't like it..."
So you're saying this election won't be about how good the GOP is but how bad the Dems are? One reason I'm not too thrilled about being on this side. When you have nothing to run on except how bad the other side is you know the whole party is bankrupt.

You just described the complete Democrat platform.
So you're saying this election won't be about how good the GOP is but how bad the Dems are? One reason I'm not too thrilled about being on this side. When you have nothing to run on except how bad the other side is you know the whole party is bankrupt.

Preach Sir, Preach!
I don't believe the Repubs will stoop to "negative selling" of their ideas. However, if they do not point out the direction that Pelosi, Kennedy, Kerry and their merry bunch will take this country then they are failing their supporters. The Dems only idea is to run against Bush.
The Dems only idea is to run against Bush.

Honestly! The democrats should run away will elections nationwide....on any level.........

All they come up with is W and Iraq.....get a clue!

How do you know when you are a loser?

When you claim a victory when a race you lost was closer than expected!
Essentially the whole GOP strategy is "How scary will the Dems in control be?"

That's not exactly a great platform to run on. There are no inspiring ideas, no agenda, no motivation on the positive side. It's no different than what the Dems did with scaring seniors on Social Security.

The GOP is running on a platform of fear and scare tactics that they slammed the Dems for. Come up with something original and something with substance. Start working on an agenda and earning the pay rather than this little 90 day a year workschedule for $160K+ a year salary.
Essentially the whole GOP strategy is "How scary will the Dems in control be?"

That's not exactly a great platform to run on. There are no inspiring ideas, no agenda, no motivation on the positive side. It's no different than what the Dems did with scaring seniors on Social Security.

The GOP is running on a platform of fear and scare tactics that they slammed the Dems for. Come up with something original and something with substance. Start working on an agenda and earning the pay rather than this little 90 day a year workschedule for $160K+ a year salary.

It is a wonder we do not band up with a bunch of guns and run these people out!

Cromwell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry.......
Nope....we're a passive people internally. You'll see an occassional 'revolution' in a vote and that is it. As in the '94 election you see where we are 12 years later....for the GOP the party has returned to the same old type of system as what they ran against in '94.
Honestly if the Dems won one or both houses this November, nothing on Iraq or the War on Terror would change. Congress doesn't hold that much power over the Executive Branch for Bush to do his thing. All Congress could hope to do is pull the plug on funding and with a Presidential election coming up, they will not leave soldiers high and dry.

All you get with a Dem win in November is a change in some domestic issues (which not much since Bush has turned left on mcuh of these) and you get a group of Dem leaders all posturing to run in 2 years. You'll basically get a lot of talk and little action.
Very little gets accomplished with the exception of bigger government with more, out of control spending with increased deficits.
I caught some of Hannity and Colmes last night with Newt......more or less November will be as follows.

Dems: W and Iraq
Repubs: Patriotism of Dems, Immigration failure....etc...........
Might actually be a grand deduction. Pubs = lesser of 2 evils.

Voting Demo would be like sex with a very ugly women..."If I have to, but i'm not looking and I won't like it..."

I'll take that over Voting Republican and the prison rape type screwing that goes on.

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