Congress...who gains and who loses in Nov?

If the Republicans go after immigration failure, they have themselves to blame. They control Congress. They can't even get on the same page. If this is true, then they've botched it even more themselves.

All the Dems have to do is hit on the inactivity of this current Congress. If a party in power can't even push an agenda, what good are they?
All the Dems have to do is hit on the inactivity of this current Congress. If a party in power can't even push an agenda, what good are they?

Do you really think they can get past W and Iraq?
Seeing how many are leading in polls and looking at those messages, I'd say yes.

Polling data had Kerry winning in 04 by a large margin.....of course the GOP stole Ohio........sorry had to mention that.........

I think people in general are disgusted with every one, any chance of a low voter turnout?
Yes. That is why the GOP is hitting their message hard. Rove's whole strategy is drive the base out in huge numbers. That's why immigration was shelved since it divided the base.
who gains = those who do something about illegal immigration

who losses = those who dont
Supposedly, the House Republicans are going to make a last ditch effort in the next few weeks. It will obviously fail.

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