there's plenty of easily attainable coal, natural gas, and oil in the US to supply our energy needs and become a net exporter. Nuclear is part of the solution, but the current administration is convinced that heavily subsidized energy like wind and solar are the only hope for the future.
Plus the new EPA mandates are impossible to implement by the deadline which means a great deal of our coal fired plants will close and new projects will be canceled.
I would like to see some research done on fusion.
I guess I read that out of context but to me nukes are nuclear weapons. I'd be fine if we used a lot more nuclear power. It's clean and the odds of a meltdown are pretty slight. The spent fuel rods (nuclear waste) is the only down side. We need to do anything to lessen dependence on coal and oil, finite resources and difficult to obtain. If things are going to be cut then cut defense, it's wasteful. Cutting art museums and the npr is like killing one ant from a colony.
We have enough coal, oil and natural gas to last for centuries, shutting those down without viable alternatives is tantamount to national energy suicide.
Maybe Weezer or someone can explain to me why the spent fuel rods can be rerefined and used again, I've never understood that.
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That's a bit of a stretch, but the Fed has certainly has been a steadying hand on the economy, the last decade not withstanding.
From the end of the Civil War until the Fed was created, the U.S. was continually fluctuating back and forth between boom/bust cycles, it seemed.
Recessions in the last 100 years have been less frequent/milder.
We never had anything near as bad and long lasting as the great depression before the Fed.
The boom bust cycles were mostly caused by the European central banks interfereing in our economy so we enacted an American central bank of which about 60% of the stock was gobbled up by the European central banks.
We had a recession less than ten years later and less than ten years later a crash that led to our longest and deepest recession in our history.
FDR's son in law wrote that it was a calculated shearing of the American people and was caused by the fed and other central banks.
Andrew Jackson was successful in ending the charter of the the central bank of his time and was able to pay off the national dept totally in three years.
In the fiscal year 2010 we paid $400 b in interest alone on our national debt, if we have 100 m taxpayers in this country that comes to $4,000 each and is growing at an alarming rate.
Let me ask you this, if we want to borrow, as a nation, a trillion dollars, do we not print treasury bills, trade them to the Fed for fed reserve notes and then pay back the fed (with interest) that trillion dollars?
So in that case the stockholders of the fed end up with a trillion dollars when they started with $0.00.
We have been doing this for a century, does that make sense to you?