Cool Bray foto at Chiefs camp...


The good old days used a few boxes of that, the 70s never be another 10 year span like the 70s.:)
It was not a shame to get it, it was a shame to keep it not talking about lice either.:eek:lol:

We had the pledges head to Walgreens and buy the stuff during the fraternity years if someone was in need. It looks like they have updated the packaging (not that I would know).
-"really" [Capitalization]
-"...." [Three dots in an ellipsis; add a 4th if a period is also implied]
-"im" [Capitalization and apostrophe needed in a contraction]
-"grammer" [See note above]
-"foto" [Use quotation marks for emphasis]

Yes sir, I am the grammar policeman! :dance:

(Sorry guys; it's late here in Europe.)

Just my opinion... I believe that Tyler will be a better NFL QB than college. Here are my reason... He had the whole humble pie force feed to him second he hopefully has
Learn that you have to prepare study and repeat and finally he has a football head coach, not a football boss!
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In the one picture. He is definitely the tallest of the 3. And has a good arm. I wish him luck. It would be nice to see another Vol quarterback in the NFL take over after Peyton retires.

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