A friend of mine said that he heard there was a civil war battle right on the grounds of where Neyland stadium sits and the union battle leader was Captain Peyton Manning. You guys check it out. If true, pretty damn cool!
Rumors and your friends info is all mixed up as well.
LCol Peyton T Manning
Our Peyton performed a lot better than the Confederate Peyton did in Knoxville.
Off-topic but it amazes my how many around here sympathize with the Confederacy when Knoxville (and E.TN in general) tried desperately to remain in the Union and wanted nothing to do with secession.
There were a lot of Union sympathizers throughout TN, but I never heard of a city (Knoxville in this case) wanting to break off from TN and remain with the Union.
Also that really doesn't have any bearing on why people sympathize with the Confederacy today.
Our Peyton performed a lot better than the Confederate Peyton did in Knoxville.
Off-topic but it amazes my how many around here sympathize with the Confederacy when Knoxville (and E.TN in general) tried desperately to remain in the Union and wanted nothing to do with secession.