Core Inflation Rate Highest Since 1981

"Joe is crushing it," eh?

Blaming Joe Biden for the current rise of inflation, is either being intellectually dishonest, as many Republicans in Congress are, or it is being ignorant of the fiscal calendar. I could see it being either one of those with you. I have seen dishonesty, partisanship and ignorance on full display in equal share from your posts.

Once again... obviously, the Biden administration is about to make the problem of inflation much worse, but you are ignorant if you don't understand how appropriations bills which were signed into law while Donald Trump was President, are mostly responsible for this increase in inflation that we are currently seeing in 2021. Regardless of who won the 2020 Presidential Election, inflation was going to be on the rise right now. That has been evident since the fall of 2019, which was before the COVID-19 pandemic even began.

So, I will direct this question one more time towards the party of hypocrites, who only pretend to care about inflation and being fiscally responsible, when a Democrat is President :


Where was this outrage over President Donald Trump's budget proposals, and the over-sized spending packages which he signed into law?


There was NONE ... because it's not something you truly care about, unless you think you can use it as a weapon to attack a Democratic Party President with.
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Just think the Feds will spend $1 dollar for every $2 dollars of the production of 330M citizens. That my friend is gov control.
... but the bloated appropriations bill, from a Republican-controlled Congress, which Trump signed into law in 2018 was justified, right?
I love this. We have trouble paying the interest on our debt , yet think we need to spend 3.5 trillion more. Bizarro world.
... and you probably think Trump's proposal would have been less than that don't you? LOL!

The Republican Party is "The Official Party of Delusional Kooks, Conspiracy Theory Crackpots, Hypocrites, and Ignorant, Redneck Fools."
"Joe is crushing it," eh?

Blaming Joe Biden for the current rise of inflation, is either being intellectually dishonest, as many Republicans in Congress are, or it is being ignorant of the fiscal calendar. I could see it being either one of those with you. I have seen dishonesty, partisanship and ignorance on full display in equal share from your posts.

Once again... obviously, the Biden administration is about to make the problem of inflation much worse, but you are ignorant if you don't understand how appropriations bills which were signed into law while Donald Trump was President, are mostly responsible for this increase in inflation that we are currently seeing in 2021. Regardless of who won the 2020 Presidential Election, inflation was going to be on the rise right now. That has been evident since the fall of 2019, which was before the COVID-19 pandemic even began.

So, I will direct this question one more time towards the party of hypocrites, who only pretend to care about inflation and being fiscally responsible, when a Democrat is President :


Where was this outrage over President Donald Trump's budget proposals, and the over-sized spending packages which he signed into law?


There was NONE ... because it's not something you truly care about, unless you think you can use it as a weapon to attack a Democratic Party President with.
It is funny how we ascribe results to one president when those results are mostly tied to previous governance. A few examples:
Reagan's economic boom linked to Carter's economic policy. Reagan's debt linked to Tip O'Neill but not vetoed by Ronnie.
Obama phones were an extension of a program enacted under Reagan.
Clinton economy related to dot coms. Clinton fiscal restraint linked to Gingrich.
Obama housing bubble linked to Dodd / Frank under Clinton.

Trump spent a lot. Debt has been increasing exponentially since Bush2. Why did this rapid inflation only come about because of Trump's spending and not other's spending?
Dialing in qe will help with inflation. Both Joe and trump just did what there economist told them. The current currency regime will keep the damage small, but at some point central banks will start to lose credibility if they keep it up.
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It is funny how we ascribe results to one president when those results are mostly tied to previous governance. A few examples:
Reagan's economic boom linked to Carter's economic policy. Reagan's debt linked to Tip O'Neill but not vetoed by Ronnie.
Obama phones were an extension of a program enacted under Reagan.
Clinton economy related to dot coms. Clinton fiscal restraint linked to Gingrich.
Obama housing bubble linked to Dodd / Frank under Clinton.

Trump spent a lot. Debt has been increasing exponentially since Bush2. Why did this rapid inflation only come about because of Trump's spending and not other's spending?
This problem didn't begin with Trump...

There are so many valid criticisms of Joe Biden's first 8 1/2 months in office (and I totally admit its been one calamity after another), that conservatives/ Republicans/ Trump supporters shouldn't have to use a bogus one, such as blaming him for the current rise of inflation, in order to make the point that Biden's leadership has been somewhere between ineffective and non-existent.
This problem didn't begin with Trump...

There are so many valid criticisms of Joe Biden's first 8 1/2 months in office (and I totally admit its been one calamity after another), that conservatives/ Republicans/ Trump supporters shouldn't have to use a bogus one, such as blaming him for the current rise of inflation, in order to make the point that Biden's leadership has been somewhere between ineffective and non-existent.

He has some blame in the current rise of inflation. The Child Tax Credit payments has inflated the money supply because many of the families/individuals benefiting from it pay little to no taxes. Now, some of it will be paid on the backend in April when taxes are due. The extended Covid relief payments did not help matters either so to suggest that the current rise of inflation is the product of Trump's policies is somewhat true but not entirely
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This problem didn't begin with Trump...

There are so many valid criticisms of Joe Biden's first 8 1/2 months in office (and I totally admit its been one calamity after another), that conservatives/ Republicans/ Trump supporters shouldn't have to use a bogus one, such as blaming him for the current rise of inflation, in order to make the point that Biden's leadership has been somewhere between ineffective and non-existent.
If, or because, a president has the ability to impact inflation negatively isn't it also true a president has the ability to impact inflation positively? With both of those holding true, we can rightly criticize Rip Van Biden for not doing anything to ease inflation. Correct?
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He has some blame in the current rise of inflation. The Child Tax Credit payments has inflated the money supply because many of the families/individuals benefiting from it pay little to no taxes. Now, some of it will be paid on the backend in April when taxes are due. The extended Covid relief payments did not help matters either so to suggest that the current rise of inflation is the product of Trump's policies is somewhat true but not entirely
This would have also been done if Trump had won...
This would have also been done if Trump had won...

Probably and it wouldn't have been helpful. It would have been damaging for him to do it as well. He isn't the President, Joe Biden is and the proposed spending packages that will pass in some form or another will only make matters worse.
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Probably and it wouldn't have been helpful. It would have been damaging for him to do it as well. He isn't the President, Joe Biden is and the proposed spending packages that will pass in some form or another will only make matters worse.
Well, hold on to your interest rate, because McConnell has sent word he is ready to negotiate the debt ceiling.

We are fooked.
Probably and it wouldn't have been helpful. It would have been damaging for him to do it as well. He isn't the President, Joe Biden is and the proposed spending packages that will pass in some form or another will only make matters worse.

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