Coronavirus (No politics)

That I did. I noticed a lot of people were getting the CRUD after doing Yard Work, and developing Bronchitis that either went to Pneumonia or lasted for Months; so I decided it must be airborne and falling as acid rain; since it was repeating the scenario with alarming regularity. I simply searched for the best protection available; the N Or P 95. If you are a sky watcher, you can see some of the chemicals they are spraying ---(Aerosol Geoengineering --CIA Program) MAY Combat Global Warming, but as a side effect--Make us sick.
Oh boy
I doubt Donald Trump just came up with the name of random drug to fight against the Coronavirus considering it is used to treat Malaria which is nearly unheard of in the climate of the US with the exception of a few areas. I would say it was brought up by several doctors in meetings as a possible treatment and he ran with it.

I'm pretty sure it had been used in France with Great results. I'm pretty sure I say a French Doc alluding to it on an interview. Using Chloroqine with Zpack; was very successful and even shows promise as a Preventative.
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You may be right; and Fauci seems qualified, But he plays it by the book; and sometimes in Battle you need a General who can adjust strategy to fit the situation, (Patton comes to mind) without consulting the Manual for Direction. This is a dangerous enemy, and extreme measures are in order. Finally, Trump doesn't abide with Public Rebukes of his Ideas. We shall see; but I expect Fauci to be more behind the scenes going forward.
I didn’t see Dr. Birx there today either. She seems like she has a good head on her shoulders.
Really? You are aware that SARS is a Coronavirus; Too? And that COV19 is basically a New & Improved type? Wow. Just Wow.

No, I'm learning everything about this infection from a stranger on the internet.

SARS was much more aggressive with much higher lethality and rapid progression of acute illness, with basically no known mild or asymptomatic infections. That's one reason it didn't spread further than it did -- it couldn't survive long enough in a population.
I tell you what, big boy: go back to school, get your license, and start ponying up for your required multi-million dollar malpractice policy before you start preaching at me. I'm in the middle of a $@#* storm right now, and I've done nothing but try to bring as much information and civil discussion to this topic as I can.

Hydroxychloquine and several other therapies are being rapidly investigated, allowed for compassionate use, and pushed for approval at an unprecedented rate. I am, in no way, involved in the trials or their arrival, so perhaps your frustration is misplaced?

In addition, the following are known adverse effects of the medication in question. You can Google them and decide for yourself how severe they are.


Serious Reactions
  • agranulocytosis
  • thrombocytopenia
  • aplastic anemia
  • leukopenia
  • seizures
  • angioedema
  • bronchospasm
  • exfoliative dermatitis
  • Stevens-Johnson syndrome
  • drug rxn w/ eosinophilia and systemic sx
  • toxic epidermal necrolysis
  • psoriasis exacerbation
  • porphyria exacerbation
  • retinal damage (high dose or long-term use)
  • retinopathy (high dose or long-term use)
  • macular degeneration (high dose or long-term use)
  • myopathy
  • fulminant hepatic failure
  • cardiomyopathy
  • QT prolongation
  • torsades de pointes
  • suicidality
  • hypoglycemia
Common Reactions
  • dizziness
  • ataxia
  • headache
  • abdominal pain
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • diarrhea
  • pruritus
  • weight loss
  • hair bleaching
  • photosensitivity
  • tinnitus
  • vision changes

Dont let him get to you. Those of us following this thread are going to trust medical professionals like yourself.
I tell you what, big boy: go back to school, get your license, and start ponying up for your required multi-million dollar malpractice policy before you start preaching at me. I'm in the middle of a $@#* storm right now, and I've done nothing but try to bring as much information and civil discussion to this topic as I can.

Hydroxychloquine and several other therapies are being rapidly investigated, allowed for compassionate use, and pushed for approval at an unprecedented rate. I am, in no way, involved in the trials or their arrival, so perhaps your frustration is misplaced?

In addition, the following are known adverse effects of the medication in question. You can Google them and decide for yourself how severe they are.


Serious Reactions
  • agranulocytosis
  • thrombocytopenia
  • aplastic anemia
  • leukopenia
  • seizures
  • angioedema
  • bronchospasm
  • exfoliative dermatitis
  • Stevens-Johnson syndrome
  • drug rxn w/ eosinophilia and systemic sx
  • toxic epidermal necrolysis
  • psoriasis exacerbation
  • porphyria exacerbation
  • retinal damage (high dose or long-term use)
  • retinopathy (high dose or long-term use)
  • macular degeneration (high dose or long-term use)
  • myopathy
  • fulminant hepatic failure
  • cardiomyopathy
  • QT prolongation
  • torsades de pointes
  • suicidality
  • hypoglycemia
Common Reactions
  • dizziness
  • ataxia
  • headache
  • abdominal pain
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • diarrhea
  • pruritus
  • weight loss
  • hair bleaching
  • photosensitivity
  • tinnitus
  • vision changes
Good Ole Kiddie Doc. Right on time. I'm surprised that drug ever saw the light of day, unless; maybe it made deathly ill people well. I sure hope you aren't prescribing any drugs that have "Possible side effects" such as every drug Big Pharma advertises with so many possible side effects that the announcer has trouble getting said in 15 seconds at warp speed. Good God; what a piece of work.
I'm pretty sure it had been used in France with Great results. I'm pretty sure I say a French Doc alluding to it on an interview. Using Chloroqine with Zpack; was very successful and even shows promise as a Preventative.
That French doctor did a study for the French government involving around 40 patients infected with the Chinese virus. I saw a chart of the results a couple days ago which showed significantly better improvement in most of the patients who were treated with the Chloroquine/Zpack combination after 5-6 days than those who were treated only with Chloroquine, and the worst rates/degrees of recovery were those who got treated with neither.
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That French doctor did a study for the French government involving around 40 patients infected with the Chinese virus. I saw a chart of the results a couple days ago which showed significantly better improvement in most of the patients who were treated with the Chloroquine/Zpack combination after 5-6 days than those who were treated only with Chloroquine, and the worst rates/degrees of recovery were those who got treated with neither.

Exactly. Thank You. Man these people in here are giving me a headache. Common sense is a thing of the past.
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I tell you what, big boy: go back to school, get your license, and start ponying up for your required multi-million dollar malpractice policy before you start preaching at me. I'm in the middle of a $@#* storm right now, and I've done nothing but try to bring as much information and civil discussion to this topic as I can.

Hydroxychloquine and several other therapies are being rapidly investigated, allowed for compassionate use, and pushed for approval at an unprecedented rate. I am, in no way, involved in the trials or their approval, so perhaps your frustration is misplaced?

In addition, the following are known adverse effects of the medication in question. You can Google them and decide for yourself how severe they are.


Serious Reactions
  • agranulocytosis
  • thrombocytopenia
  • aplastic anemia
  • leukopenia
  • seizures
  • angioedema
  • bronchospasm
  • exfoliative dermatitis
  • Stevens-Johnson syndrome
  • drug rxn w/ eosinophilia and systemic sx
  • toxic epidermal necrolysis
  • psoriasis exacerbation
  • porphyria exacerbation
  • retinal damage (high dose or long-term use)
  • retinopathy (high dose or long-term use)
  • macular degeneration (high dose or long-term use)
  • myopathy
  • fulminant hepatic failure
  • cardiomyopathy
  • QT prolongation
  • torsades de pointes
  • suicidality
  • hypoglycemia
Common Reactions
  • dizziness
  • ataxia
  • headache
  • abdominal pain
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • diarrhea
  • pruritus
  • weight loss
  • hair bleaching
  • photosensitivity
  • tinnitus
  • vision changes

Appreciate you but is this like the commercial where they rattled off all the problems it can cause at 100 mph just to cover their butts for all medicine. I would hope we would stop giving it to anyone if it causes all these problems. Heck, no to all medicines. He struck a nerve for sure but did you just over react or is this drug killing folks?
No, I'm learning everything about this infection from a stranger on the internet.

SARS was much more aggressive with much higher lethality and rapid progression of acute illness, with basically no known mild or asymptomatic infections. That's one reason it didn't spread further than it did -- it couldn't survive long enough in a population.

That first line is a classic.
Yeah well, The Sheep have arrived. Google it Man. Oh I forgot, nobody can possibly know something you don't. Geeze some in here . Go ahead. Aerosol Geoengineering. Courtesy of Evergreen Air.
Never claimed to know more than others. I just don’t believe everything being spoon fed.
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No, I'm learning everything about this infection from a stranger on the internet.

SARS was much more aggressive with much higher lethality and rapid progression of acute illness, with basically no known mild or asymptomatic infections. That's one reason it didn't spread further than it did -- it couldn't survive long enough in a population.

Are you ready for my hit it with a stick treatment yet?
That I did. I noticed a lot of people were getting the CRUD after doing Yard Work, and developing Bronchitis that either went to Pneumonia or lasted for Months; so I decided it must be airborne and falling as acid rain; since it was repeating the scenario with alarming regularity. I simply searched for the best protection available; the N Or P 95. If you are a sky watcher, you can see some of the chemicals they are spraying ---(Aerosol Geoengineering --CIA Program) MAY Combat Global Warming, but as a side effect--Make us sick.
What the heck did I just read? Lol
(11) 3/22: I had a little bit of a downturn today as my cough and shortness of breath returned. I never felt physically sick and I even tried to do a handful of push ups to see how my body could handle it. The push ups were easy but my lung capacity has a ways to go. I ended up being short of breath and irritated lungs for a couple of hours afterwards. Once I recovered I feel really good. I will return to work tomorrow via telecommute. No test results. Symptoms: mild shortness of breath, dry cough, mild other chest symptoms.
Millions dead in the USA is hyperbole at this point, sure. However, I'd take the information the Chinese Communist government tells us regarding coronavirus cases/deaths over there with a grain of salt. Quarry size mountain of salt really.

South Korea seems to have it under control
That French doctor did a study for the French government involving around 40 patients infected with the Chinese virus. I saw a chart of the results a couple days ago which showed significantly better improvement in most of the patients who were treated with the Chloroquine/Zpack combination after 5-6 days than those who were treated only with Chloroquine, and the worst rates/degrees of recovery were those who got treated with neither.
Should be a compromise..give the patients the facts and let them decide if they would like to try the treatment..informed consent should remove liability concerns
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Exactly. Thank You. Man these people in here are giving me a headache. Common sense is a thing of the past.

It’s more of a grey area as to how fast treatments should be utilized when they are unproven in the setting of a public health crisis. I think safety in this situation would also relate to possibly causing more harm than good in Covid patients simply because we don’t know.

Looks like the study that was done is really small to take it and say as an ID expert (Dr. Fauci) that you fully endorse utilizing the treatment to the entire country.

That being said I think it is being utilized already. It’s just that medical providers practice evidence based medicine and there’s many failed treatments which looked great in a small initial trial. To say it’s guaranteed to be worthless I don’t think is fair. To say that it’s a guaranteed cure with limited downside is disingenuous as well. The medication has significant risks as well. One of those risks listed, QT prolongation and torsades de pointes essentially means a life threatening cardiac arrhythmia that’s very serious and possibly made more likely by taking Azothromycin as well. It just isn’t enough to want something to work because there is weak data behind it. We need more studies to prove that it works.

Could it be used on a case by case basis in the setting of clinical judgement? Probably. But don’t think that just because it was touted at a press conference that it’s a magic bullet.
Dont let him get to you. Those of us following this thread are going to trust medical professionals like yourself.
Thanks for that. I probably over-reacted, but I've been dealing with some incredibly-difficult decisions involving people that I care about very much.

That being said, any further "big pharma" or chemtrails lunacy can head to the Politics forum.
WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm, 9/11 all happened and somehow football continued on and mattered again. I started the thread to get thinking caps installed as what is likely to occur is a hodgepodge of qualifications for high school graduation to occur. Some state boards may take the bull by the horns and grant a waiver that kids graduate as is where is. Others may leave it up to individual counties or school systems to decide for themselves. They may require students to attend classes May thru August graduating on Labor Day, just all sorts of challenges may be out there for incoming freshman to actually get on campus this year and contribute. That was my hope where the discussion would occur.

The Chinese let the virus run free and wide open for almost a month before responding and ended up with less than 100,000 cases recorded and certainly nothing close to 1 million dead. To suggest the USA will end up with millions of dead is irresponsibie and unecessarily alarming at this point IMO as we responded very early. Now is the time for rationality not hysteria.

I am not going to comment on the possible death toll other than this. I agree there's more important things than football. Lord, I hope all this is over soon!

As for kids graduating, it's a good question. Yes, all states, districts and even specific schools could be different. A few kids may be impacted but the chances of them being D1 guys, I think is very small. Most schools now really don't care about education but they do care about making it look good. Graduation rates are way more imlortant than teaching high school level reading, writing and arithmetic. I fully expect most schools to pretty much hand everyone credits and a diploma. They pretty much do it already but its going to take a little creativity to hide it his year.

Go Vols!
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Thanks for that. I probably over-reacted, but I've been dealing with some incredibly-difficult decisions involving people that I care about very much.

That being said, any further "big pharma" or chemtrails lunacy can head to the Politics forum.

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