Let me be more clear as I was being sarcastic. I am 100% sure every strength and training coach at the D1 level and most well below that know all the things you're talking about. They literally have specific degrees in most cases. For example for UT men's basketball.
Garrett Medenwald Director of Men's Basketball Sports Performance
Garrett Medenwald - Director of Men's Basketball Sports Performance - Staff Directory - University of Tennessee Athletics has masters in Kinesiology
Medenwald graduated from Wisconsin-Whitewater in 2013, earning a bachelor’s degree in health, human performance and recreation while minoring in athletic coaching education. He then received his master’s degree in kinesiology from Texas in 2016.
In case you didn't know kinesiology is the study of human movement. He has been running the basketball side of S/C here at UT for over 10 years. “Garrett’s methods and approach to elite performance training are on another level,” Barnes said. “He’s a star in his profession, and our students enjoy not just how he trains them, but also the personal relationship he develops with each of them.”
He has forgotten more about sports science than any of us will ever know.
You could be 1000% or even 10, 000% sure they know what they are talking about, and it wouldn't necessarily mean you or I know what's going on at Tennessee for sure in regards.
Like I said, we would need some of the data I mentioned earlier to help us form any necessary conclusions one way or the other.
( Incidentally, I know all about Medenwald's credentials. This thread, and the things that have been said in it, weren't meant to disparage or even question his knowledge. His training either, for that matter).
A point I think you missed is,
The questioning was in regards to things like :
Is it possible there have been some sacrifices taking place with us hyper-focusing on obtaining and maintaining an elite defense that is arguably the best in the nation?
This is an extremely hard thing to achieve, so IMO some extreme approaches may have come into play, opening up the possibility for mistakes.
The strength and conditioning coach ultimately is under the head coach. If Barnes wants a certain objective met that might not necessarily align with Medenwald's approach or training, he may be willing to supercede Medenwald's regimen/advice.
He may even want to tweak it a litte in favor of a specific desired result, or even maybe something like the timing of training.
In short, it's possible he believes he knows a better or less nuanced way in a specific area or two. We just don't know without all the data, tho.
We've seen many celebrities and people of power use their rank/authority to get things from Dr.'s/professionals that may actually go against their fundamental training.
We've also seen highly skilled Dr's and professionals like Garrett be willing to capitulate and alter their methods in order to serve the wishes of a person in a position of more power. Especially in lieu of what I just mentioned.
But again, hard to say anything conclusive without knowing the exact dynamics of their coaching relationship.
I guess my fundamental point is something seems off. Year after year we seem to have real trouble shooting at times. It seems to be more times it's happening than not this year, too.
There are other teams that are able to strike a balance between intense defensive physical training/play, and proper offensive shooting/training. They are not letting the one effect the other as we seem to be.
This fact alone should cause any inquisitive person to ask or at least wonder why this is?
Moreover, some of the surface data also seems to back what I just said up. These coupled together, IMO, make any questions in respect entirely valid to pose/inquire about.