Counting Down using the Maxims!

Team Maxim #23: One increasing purpose.

The team must play with purpose on every play of every game. The teams goals may change through the season, but every game becomes more important than the last. Once all 12 regular season games have been played, the postseason is the ultimate measuring tool of a program. The postseason games become the most important to the success of the season. The purpose of the team has to always be the same, always growing, and always motivating: one increasing purpose.

22 days left! Go VOLS!!!
Exactly , i have very much enjoyed this thread .

Sorry guys, Sunday marked the 3 year anniversary of my dads passing and I honestly couldn't bring myself to do much of anything Saturday or Sunday and I haven't sat down to catch up yet. My sincerest apologies.
Sorry guys, Sunday marked the 3 year anniversary of my dads passing and I honestly couldn't bring myself to do much of anything Saturday or Sunday and I haven't sat down to catch up yet. My sincerest apologies.

Sorry for your loss skidsisvfl . mine past 12 years ago . still hurts sometimes . Carry On . and thanks again .
Sorry guys, Sunday marked the 3 year anniversary of my dads passing and I honestly couldn't bring myself to do much of anything Saturday or Sunday and I haven't sat down to catch up yet. My sincerest apologies.

Very sorry for your loss. My Mother just passed away last year. Totally understand. Hang in ther my Orange brother!
Thanks for the support and well-wishes, guys! I guess I just needed a week to myself. Gonna try catching up by just posting the maxims I missed and not writing more about them.
August 10--Team Maxim #24: A quitter never wins & a winner never quits.

August 11--Team Maxim #25: Keep everlastingly on the job.

August 12--Team Maxim#26: Be the first to line up.

August 13--Team Maxim #27: Never stop fighting.

August 14--Team Maxim#28: No good blocker and tackler was ever kept off a football team.

August 15--Team Maxim #29: Use your eyes, your hands, your legs, and your head.

August 16--Team Maxim #30: Be aggressive, you can't win the game on your side of the scrimmage line.
Team Maxim #31: If the game is going against you, keep your head up, set your jaw, and dig in. This is what tests the stuff you are made of.

This one is my favorite, so I couldn't just pass it up. It's like saying "never, never, never give up" but there's more to it, it's more like "this is how you never give up." It keeps reminding me of war (which isn't crazy since Neyland was a General) when one side is losing the battle and they take a stand or a last stand. A quote by Winston Churchill comes to mind with the war imagery: "You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." So many times over the last few years, the game started shifting to our opponents favor and the team dropped their heads and watched the other team roll up the scores like they weren't even there. This team can't afford to have that happen. This season is critical for the seasons to come. If we get run over this year, next year, we start lower rated and will finish next year rated lower than we would if we fight with all we have and keep it respectable this year.

Lastly, you can use this quote for life. Change "game" to "life" or "things" and it is a great motivational quote for you to keep in mind. It works for me!

Go VOLS!!!

P.S. This is yesterday's.
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Team Maxim #32: Hate & abhor the scrimmage line; it is a restraining mark.

I like this one too. Obviously, offenses cannot let the line of scrimmage determine what they do. They cannot let it restrain them in what they do. However, I think it's just as important for the defense. The defensive line cannot be restrained by the OL at the LOS. Good defenses reset the line past the LOS to put pressure on the QB. The way this maxim is worded is great: hate and abhor the line of scrimmage. Get to the point that you can't stand being on the line of scrimmage for even one more second and come off the ball with some pop!!! Doing this is what can make a good line into a GREAT line!

13 days left! Go VOLS!!!

P.S. It's good to be back again!
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Team Maxim #32: Hate & abhor the scrimmage line; it is a restraining mark.

I like this one too. Obviously, offenses cannot let the line of scrimmage determine what they do. They cannot let it restrain them in what they do. However, I think it's just as important for the defense. The defensive line cannot be restrained by the OL at the LOS. Good defenses reset the line past the LOS to put pressure on the QB. The way this maxim is worded is great: hate and abhor the line of scrimmage. Get to the point that you can't stand being on the line of scrimmage for even one more second and come off the ball with some pop!!! Doing this is what can make a good line into a GREAT line!

13 days left! Go VOLS!!!

P.S. It's good to be back again!

And it's good to have you back...if your dad was anything like my dad was...he would be very proud of you. :hi:
Sorry again, guys. I had just about everything to wrong last week that could've: heartbreak, nana had surgery, couldn't get seen by the panel at the CC, so I'm out of school this year, and some other crazy things too. I couldn't bring myself to update the thread because it would remind me that the weekend was coming with relief of the work week, but not with football. Although, my friend and I did go see TKJr play at Murrville and watched Jalen beast against Josh Malone and Station Camp. I feel like I should finish what I started, so lets see what I can do.
August 19--Team Maxim #33: "Turf" their defense! Get them down!

August 20--Team Maxim #34: A winning team quickens its play as it nears the goal line!

August 21--Team Maxim #35: Get the jump on your teammates on the charge.

August 22--Team Maxim #36: Follow the ball!

August 23--Team Maxim #37: Play your own position well first.

August 24--Team Maxim #38: Line -- charge with the ball!

Which finishes the Team Maxims, starts the Game Maxims

August 25--Game Maxim #1: The team that makes the fewest mistakes will win.

August 26--Game Maxim #2: Play for and make the breaks and when one comes your way--SCORE.

August 27--Game Maxim #3: If at first the game--or the breaks--go against you, don't let up...put on more steam.

Which catches up to today, sorry for having problems with this guys!
Game Maxim #4: Protect our kickers, our QB, our lead and our ball game.

The kickers and the QB are the two main keys to scoring points and producing yards (for the QB). Protect the lead: defense. Defense is key to keeping the other team from scoring points, thus protecting the lead that the offense should have built up. And protect our ball game: that's the attitude to have "this is OUR ball game, our game to lose and we AREN'T gonna lose it!!!"

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Sorry again, guys. I had just about everything to wrong last week that could've: heartbreak, nana had surgery, couldn't get seen by the panel at the CC, so I'm out of school this year, and some other crazy things too. I couldn't bring myself to update the thread because it would remind me that the weekend was coming with relief of the work week, but not with football. Although, my friend and I did go see TKJr play at Murrville and watched Jalen beast against Josh Malone and Station Camp. I feel like I should finish what I started, so lets see what I can do.

Sorry to hear about all your recent struggles. Try and take your own advise from Maxim 31. Do that, and you'll eventually make it to the other side stronger than you started.
Hey OP, Thanks Again!

Remember as a VFL, you can always ask for help. There are Volunteers everywhere :hi:

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