Serious case of the Mondays. NPR tiny desk concerts for the win. Your tax dollars at work!! You’re welcome. I think I made my civilian coworker a Sturgill fan. He didn’t seem as interested in Isbell.
I branched out. Sturgill, Childers, Isbell, Dwight Yoakam, Nitty Gritty Dirt Band, Carter Family, Kris Kristofferson, Merle, Willie, Simon and Garfunkel, Allman Brothers, Jim Croce and then Pearl Jam. I'm a YouTube addict. Send help.
Holy ****. After the fire is the hands down album of the year, if the wanting even comes close then these may be the albums that shoot cody to the moon. A masterpiece.
Awesome show, glad to see Ryan Engleman sticking on guitar as David Abeyta's replacement.
Watching these guys on stage it's so obvious that they really love what they do...
Noticed that recently they haven't been playing Crazy Eddie's Last Hurrah, hopefully not a product of modern sissification
I like Jinks, but not my cup of tea as a whole. Honestly haven't given him much of a listen, but he's not Hayes Carll or Willy Braun. Sings to a different zip code than I live in.
I think I like Cody more than anybody not named Dallas in this thread. Having said that, he’s not in the same ballpark as the three you just mentioned.