This is so much utter rubbish. Admittedly the quinquenio gris did put pressure on long hair and rock music, and Cuba does still have the death penalty (although I think Raul has given a stay of execution on the three prisoners on death row), NO ONE was executed for listening to Rock n Roll. Absolutely preposterous.
Trying to blow up Madison Square Garden is pretty evil. Blowing off somebody's legs so he bleeds to death on Embassy Row is pretty evil. Necklacing is pretty evil too. So was firing on kids protesting Afrikaan language is Soweto, among much else.
Political Palaver: Disillusionment for the Cult of Che
But do they know that Che waged a political war against the lumpen, who were essentially anyone with long hair or anyone who listened to rock and roll? Yes, they were executed in rather large numbers by Che's authority, because long hair and affection for rock and roll were symptoms of a bourgeois sickness.
The previous government of South Africa wasn't all bad, for instance the largest hospital in the country was in Johanisburg and was built exclusively to treat the inhabitants of the slums of Soweto.
What we saw was a clash of stone age culture meeting the modern age, the previous government did as well as it could to do their part to meet the needs of the uneducated, untrained masses to bring them into the modern world.
Sadly, outside interference from Cuba and the Soviet Union among other interests have brought us to this point which is not very good to say the least, even for the inhabitants of the slums of Soweto even though they now have the freedom to go about the countryside and rob and murder people who are just trying to go about their own business.
This problem isn't confined to South Africa at all but is widespread on Latin America as well.
BTW, if you think the Soweto incident was bad, what is your opinion on the unprovoked Waco incident??
Wikipedia is now a mostly reliable source for information. Much more reliable than a right- or left-wing blog.
Wiccanpedia is notoriously unreliable.
Here is a very good example, a couple of years ago someone posted (as a joke I suppose) on a profile of John Siegenthaler, the past publisher of the Nashville Tennessean, that he was a conspirator in the JFK assassination and that he had fled the country for about four months after the assassination.
Nothing could be farther from the truth, Siegenthaler was an avid supporter of Kennedy and was absolutely not out of the country at any time during that period.
Wiccanpedia can be a useful tool if you don't know much about something, you can gather names etc on some topic but need to research further because you just can't accept wiccanpedia to always be correct.
After all anyone can write anything they want there and I've know of people who have tried to correct errors there and their entries have been erased and the same false entry reposted within the hour.
Let me interject here that the lame stream media isn't the greatest of sources for real information to say the least.
Genocide comes to mind. If he tried to kill off all the whites after gaining power, you may have a point.
Out of curiosity, how do you think the whole thing should have been handled?
Really? They must hate the right to vote and all. Which do you think they prefer?
Would you prefer to vote or to eat??
I read a book in about 1960 written by a man who had spent about 35 years in the American foreign service on the ground in Africa and Southeast Asia.
The two main points of his book were that in Africa the colonial powers would take their time in withdrawing, giving ample time for the education of enough of the people to able to govern themselves and to conduct orderly societies and have enough trained in various trades and skills so that they could continue to prosper and advance both economically and technologically.
Also when granting independence to regions in Africa, do not divide the countries with borders duplicating the colonial ones but to make the borders coincide with ancient tribal areas, it would have been a far better world for everyone, especially Africans if world leaders had followed his wise advice. (Rwanda is an excellent example.)
His other main thrust was that America not get involved in se Asia without Ho Chi Minh as an ally. We screwed that up dating all the way back to Woodrow Wilson with the notable exception of Dwight Eisenhower.
What has caused more problems in Africa, especially southern Africa is the interference of communist and socialist inspired strife.
In Rhodesia (now renamed Zimbabwe) for instance, blacks weren't denied the right to vote and had elected a black PM but pressure from Carter and the British PM disallowed that election and in the aftermath the bloody communist tyrant Mugabe was elected through the device of his murderous voter intimidation squads and we see what havoc his regime has wrought on the people of that country both black and white.
If South Africa had been left to settle it's own problems without outside interference, all the people, both black, white and coloured would be far better off today.
As things are going now, it looks as if South Africa will follow the Cuban model and that isn't good for anyone except for the ruling elites.
As for white genocide, consider this:
White Genocide in South Africa continues - Kill the boer, kill the farmer shouted outside school, Pretoria name to change | Fromtheold
The genocide against white Afrikaans speaking people in South Africa is continuing, they are also known as "boers". Over the past few days a number of people were brutally murdered, some even had nothing stolen as black armed gangs target white people in South Africa.
First of all the ANC wants to change the name of Pretoria to Tswane, Pretoria is one of the last renaming Afrikaans cities in the world. The name Pretoria they say must change to Tswane.
Then there is the case where people from the "young communist league" shouted "kill the boer, kill the farmer" (in their own language) outside Free State Voortrekker Afrikaans High School. This blatant racism continues in South Africa and some racism goes under the guise of "transformation".
Racism is no less evil whatever the color of the face of the racists.
PS; if you can, please try to keep our discussion going as I would like to bring out a lot of facts not generally known about this topic, needless to say it isn't so simple as a black and white issue. (and I have run on at length already.)