Culinary, Arts, Thread.

due to lack of hair coverage, I might get one of these.....I like the fade patterns.

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The Presbyterian church called a meeting to decide what to do about their squirrel infestation. After much prayer and consideration, they concluded that the squirrels were predestined to be there, and they should not interfere with God’s divine will.

At the Baptist church, the squirrels had taken an interest in the baptistry. The deacons met and decided to put a water-slide on the baptistry and let the squirrels drown themselves. The squirrels liked the slide and, unfortunately, knew instinctively how to swim, so twice as many squirrels showed up the following week.

The Lutheran church decided that they were not in a position to harm any of God’s creatures. So, they humanely trapped their squirrels and set them free near the Baptist church. Two weeks later, the squirrels were back when the Baptists took down the water-slide.

The Episcopalians tried a much more unique path by setting out pans of whiskey around their church in an effort to kill the squirrels with alcohol poisoning. They sadly learned how much damage a band of drunk squirrels can do.

But the Catholic church came up with a more creative strategy! They baptized all the squirrels and made them members of the church. Now they only see them at Christmas and Easter.

Not much was heard from the Jewish synagogue. They took the first squirrel and circumcised him. They haven’t seen a squirrel since.
Not really, but I've only had it a couple of hours.

Brightness sucks.
Vibration almost sucks.
Swipe sucks.
Watch faces suck.

Not sure about audio guide yet.

GPS perfect. Probably the reason I keep it.
Charges really fast.
Not as thick as my Samsung.

Anyway. We won the toss and deferred. Woot!

This is a long watch post. It's hidden so no one has to see it.... unless they want to. Including Bill. 😆


All of that has changed in some way after playing with it more than a couple of hours. None of it sucks, just sucks compared to what I'm used to.

It's exactly what I expected, but not what I'd hoped for. I was so curious that I wasn't going to be happy until I saw it for myself.

Brightness I can live with and it's awesome in the sun.

Vibration sucks. Period. If I don't keep it it's because of this.

Swipe I can live with. It's not near as fast or smooth as my Samsung.

I found a face I like better than my Samsung.

After my Samsung band all others suck. If I keep it I'll get another one.

Still don't know about audio guide because it didn't wake me up this morning and I didn't have time to go try it.

The GPS is the reason I'll probably keep it. It's amazing. I realized it was more important to me than I thought it was when I went to Pennsylvania and Ohio. Although my new Samsung is very accurate, it's still off by 4 hundredths of a mile (thats like about 80 steps) The 2 times I checked the 955 it was off both times by 3 steps. And honestly because its got 7 turns I think it being iff a few steps is expected, on the Samsung too. I could live with it being off by 10-12, not 80.

Anyway, I've accepted that this is something I do and for the most part I enjoy it. I like playing with these watches.

I do have a couple of questions I'd like to ask if you're interested in answering them and talking to me about it later. I've got to get in the shower and I don't even remember what they are right now. Lol.

For what you use it for this is an amazing watch. If nothing else, it might motivate me to do more.
This is a long watch post. It's hidden so no one has to see it.... unless they want to. Including Bill. 😆


All of that has changed in some way after playing with it more than a couple of hours. None of it sucks, just sucks compared to what I'm used to.

It's exactly what I expected, but not what I'd hoped for. I was so curious that I wasn't going to be happy until I saw it for myself.

Brightness I can live with and it's awesome in the sun.

Vibration sucks. Period. If I don't keep it it's because of this.

Swipe I can live with. It's not near as fast or smooth as my Samsung.

I found a face I like better than my Samsung.

After my Samsung band all others suck. If I keep it I'll get another one.

Still don't know about audio guide because it didn't wake me up this morning and I didn't have time to go try it.

The GPS is the reason I'll probably keep it. It's amazing. I realized it was more important to me than I thought it was when I went to Pennsylvania and Ohio. Although my new Samsung is very accurate, it's still off by 4 hundredths of a mile (thats like about 80 steps) The 2 times I checked the 955 it was off both times by 3 steps. And honestly because its got 7 turns I think it being iff a few steps is expected, on the Samsung too. I could live with it being off by 10-12, not 80.

Anyway, I've accepted that this is something I do and for the most part I enjoy it. I like playing with these watches.

I do have a couple of questions I'd like to ask if you're interested in answering them and talking to me about it later. I've got to get in the shower and I don't even remember what they are right now. Lol.

For what you use it for this is an amazing watch. If nothing else, it might motivate me to do more.
Glad you’re liking it a little more. There are so many face options, I knew you’d find one you’d like. I might be busy today, but I can answer questions as I have time. Or I’ll be free this evening
Glad you’re liking it a little more. There are so many face options, I knew you’d find one you’d like. I might be busy today, but I can answer questions as I have time. Or I’ll be free this evening
No problemo. I'm busy too. Whenever.

First 2.

1. Which GPS setting is best. I know "All-Multi" says best, but "Auto" says best for your environment.

2. Where on the app is this ?......

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No problemo. I'm busy too. Whenever.

First 2.

1. Which GPS setting is best. I know "All-Multi" says best, but "Auto" says best for your environment.

2. Where on the app is this ?......

View attachment 502613
If you download the Garmin Connect app, once you log an activity, it’ll come up on the Home Screen. Click that activity and the screen you attached will come up. It will also deep dive into a lot of other statistics from the page you copied from my post.

I’ll have to look into which GPS to use. I’ve never messed with that part
If you download the Garmin Connect app, once you log an activity, it’ll come up on the Home Screen. Click that activity and the screen you attached will come up. It will also deep dive into a lot of other statistics from the page you copied from my post.

I’ll have to look into which GPS to use. I’ve never messed with that part
Here's the screen.

Multi band will use all the different satellites simultaneously to guarantee the most accuracy. Drains more battery as a byproduct

Auto select will choose the best band (aka satellite) at any given time but only only one. Saves battery
I get that, I just wasn't sure which one would be most accurate. Doesn't matter I guess, I was just curious.
Yeah, I'm over-thinking it I guess lol, it's pretty straight forward. Lot of information on this thing to absorb.
Just hope you’re not one of those nut jobs in the PF. You’re obviously locatable (I might have just made up that word, but you can figure out what I mean)

Do you have any recommendations for truffle oil? I want to try to recreate the mushroom risotto with truffle oil (and other stuff) I had last night at a restaurant.

Apologies for asking a food question on the fitness watch thread. :p
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Do you have any recommendations for truffle oil? I want to try to recreate the mushroom risotto with truffle oil (and other stuff) I had last night at a restaurant.

Apologies for asking a food question on the fitness watch thread. :p
Best information you can get.

Decide how much want to spend.
Spend a little more.
Get black.

Your welcome.
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