"Curveball" proud of lying about existence of WMD in Iraq

20 years later... and we are still going into wars over lies.

Iraqi: I'm Proud My WMD Lies Led To War In Iraq

An Iraqi man whose testimony the United States used as a key evidence to build a case for war in Iraq says he is proud that he lied about his country developing mobile biological warfare labs.

The Guardian newspaper published an interview Wednesday with Rafid Ahmed Alwan al-Janabi, who has been identified as the informer called "Curveball," whose claims about weapon labs formed part of then-U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell's speech to the U.N. Security Council in 2003, shortly before the war began.
OUR intelligence agencies should be better than that. Colossal mistake and waste of American lives.
At least Raytheon and Dick Cheney got to line their pockets while they used America’s fear of brown people to destabilize and destroy a country for no reason except profit. The entire Bush administration needs to be rotting behind bars
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OUR intelligence agencies should be better than that. Colossal mistake and waste of American lives.

They are better than that. However, most Americans are ignorant of a lot of shady things our government does. One, is when our economy gets in trouble, we conveniently get involved in a war directly or indirectly. The goal is to hide financial mismanagement by diverting public attention, and stimulate the economy. Mexican-American War, Spanish-American War, Vietnam, Grenada, Iran-Contra, various overt and covert ventures in Africa, Iraq, Afghanistan, and now Ukraine. Read seriously into the foundational basis for the adventures. Money it always at the core. Deny it all you want, the USA is a war-loving nation. It has been true from the Indian wars to today.
OK... so let's run with that. How did the Iraqis get these WMDs?
They probably developed them.
And yes the US worked with them for a long time, so that didn't hurt that cause.

What's your point?

You keep on with this Anti-American stance as if the US is the only country "playing" good guy.

Live somewhere else already 🙄
At least Raytheon and Dick Cheney got to line their pockets while they used America’s fear of brown people to destabilize and destroy a country for no reason except profit. The entire Bush administration needs to be rotting behind bars
Profit and eliminating a potential threat to our ‘friends’ in the region.
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Yes he did. You need to read up on his memoir and watch his post Iraq interviews. He loyally but reluctantly did lie at the insistence of GW Bush and his Republican hawks. He resigned later on for two reasons. One, he resented being made to lie as he did, and the results in both Iraqi and American deaths. Two, when some of his staunch Republican (and Democratic) supporters floated the idea of his running for President, he and his wife received death threats from the very Republican hawks, and far right conservative groups, whose bidding he had done. And that's why he refused, and refuses, to ever run for ANY public office. So many Americans just don't know your history, and the venom spewing rightists are worst of all.
They're utterly blinded by the light of their own lies and willful ignorance of the truth.
It was Cheney and he didn't do it for Raytheon, it was for Halliburton where Cheney had been employed.
W was on board though because Saddam tried to kill HW after he left office but intel disrupted that.

It's funny that W and Cheney dislike each other now. W says Cheney lied to him (what a weak willed loser) and Cheney is still furious that W wouldn't pardon Scooter Libby.
Yes he did. You need to read up on his memoir and watch his post Iraq interviews. He loyally but reluctantly did lie at the insistence of GW Bush and his Republican hawks. He resigned later on for two reasons. One, he resented being made to lie as he did, and the results in both Iraqi and American deaths. Two, when some of his staunch Republican (and Democratic) supporters floated the idea of his running for President, he and his wife received death threats from the very Republican hawks, and far right conservative groups, whose bidding he had done. And that's why he refused, and refuses, to ever run for ANY public office. So many Americans just don't know your history, and the venom spewing rightists are worst of all.
They're utterly blinded by the light of their own lies and willful ignorance of the truth.
So he knowingly lied to get the US into a war. That was his choice and maybe he should own it instead of blaming others
So he knowingly lied to get the US into a war. That was his choice and maybe he should own it instead of blaming others

Mr. Know nothing is what you are, how are you? Experience and eyewitness to workplace power politics has shown me realities that mock your holier than thou attitude. When you're the only minority or woman, or whatever in the workplace, you're not expected to, but demanded to kowtow to the ruling power. If you refuse, you lose your job, your reputation, thus your ability to support your family. Further, you get a negative report on your record, you get smeared so that when you seek new employment. They make it nigh impossible to gain work thereafter. You assume you know something you don't. So you just pontificate out of both ignorance and arrogance by shouting out your rear end and nothing more. Your type is the very personification of:

Truth and knowledge would destroy your paradise.
Thus, for you, it is true that ignorance is bliss,
Because for you, it is folly to be wise.

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