D1 Rules governing scholarships will authorize increases to accomidate all baseball players.



Well-Known Member
May 31, 2018
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Didn’t I read that our baseball program was $12million in the red last year and we’re one of the hottest programs in the country? Football and basketball players are going to continue to demand a larger share of the revenue of the only 2 profitable college sports IMO. Where is the extra revenue coming from to expand baseball scholarships?

Is it possible MLB will begin contributing some funding to college baseball teams in lieu of supporting single A leagues or some of their other developmental teams?
Didn’t I read that our baseball program was $12million in the red last year and we’re one of the hottest programs in the country? Football and basketball players are going to continue to demand a larger share of the revenue of the only 2 profitable college sports IMO. Where is the extra revenue coming from to expand baseball scholarships?

Is it possible MLB will begin contributing some funding to college baseball teams in lieu of supporting single A leagues or some of their other developmental teams?

Operating Revenue $3,851,158 Operating Expenses $8,050,569, so red about $4.2M last year.

This year's revenue should see a nice bounce from merchandise sales,along with media rights and distribution but probably doesn't cover new pay packages and certainly not the cost of additional scholarships.
If they don't include softball, it deserves to die.
Big difference between baseball and softball. Most college baseball teams have around 15 -18 pitchers. Most college softball teams have around 5 pitchers (Lady Vols used 4 this past year) Softball doesn’t need 20 more scholarships. I would add another women’s sport to comply with Title IX (lacrosse).
Big difference between baseball and softball. Most college baseball teams have around 15 -18 pitchers. Most college softball teams have around 5 pitchers (Lady Vols used 4 this past year) Softball doesn’t need 20 more scholarships. I would add another women’s sport to comply with Title IX (lacrosse
No one is saying give them 20 more. Meet the roster needs.
Sorry for the length. This issue is not as simple as asking, "Why isn't softball in the equation?"

If you have followed this issue for a long time, you understand the complexity of the issue and why the NCAA HQ's in Indianaplolis has been unable to implement timely and responsible change.

The SEC, lead by Commissioner Sankey has advocated for and basically demanded that the NCAA's admin recognize and address the inadequacy of scholarships for baseball, perhaps the fastest growing sport in the NCAA's catalog. Yet the NCAA has been paralyzed into inaction from NIL and portal issues to lawsuits from every quarter. The NCAA ( for what ever reason) believes that their one size fits all approach will win out in the end.

In the mean time, Sankey has moved on. By forming an alliance with the BIG ( former Big 10) conference to develop solutions to real problems that effect the Power 4 ( former power 5) Conferences, such as number of scholarships for under leveraged programs. Of course mid-majors and lower level conferences are not in favor of this greatly needed change. They will vote against the new scholarship numbers and complain that they are being priced out of the market place. They are and that is not necessarily a bad thing.

The power 4 conferences need a separate and distinct admin, that is not whetted to old ideas. College sports are in a new and dynamic environment, where change will be routine. The old and sluggish NCAA bureaucracy needs to be dismantled and thrown on the trash heap of history.

To the writers of post lamenting the lack of systematic fairness for female sports, understand we all know what has to be accomplished and we will get there. But change usually starts with a snowball rolling down a hill and avalanches follow!
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Honestly find it to be a little excessive. Baseball and softball needed to move up dramatically but 105 football scholarships is crazy.
I agree. What about Title 9? Do they no longer feel the need to balance scholarships equally?
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Consolidade if required.

New rules governing scholarships for baseball players. Scholarships to increase dramatically.

All I can say is "It's about damn time!" I was fortunate way back in the day to get some help and it has been stuck in the mud for too long. Happy for the guys.

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