DaRick Rogers VFL

I also play golf with a guy that shoots @ 72-73 when he smokes and never goes that low when he doesn't. We actually all determine our bets depending on if he smokes or not
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Rogers played without fear.

He was great when he was here and under a different coach would have stayed and been great.

Dooley sucked.
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Isn't it up to the player if they are "VFL" or not? If he truly supports UT while in the NFL that's fine with me. Maybe he realized he made some mistakes that would have gotten him kicked out of most any program. He chose to say VFL, and that makes him a VFL in my book.
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Save your breath, JCP, we have a faction of people on VN who MUST and have a mandatory life's mission to hate. If a player so much as sneeze and it sounds like ANSU instead of ACHOO, he's a demon forever doomed to hell. Doesn't matter if he finally, and actually turns his life and attitude around. If he didn't die on his orange shield at Neyland, he's a never been entity. no wonder David said: ... “I am in deep distress. Let us fall into the hands of the Lord, for His mercy is great; but do not let me fall into human hands2 Samuel 24:14

Get over yourself and your constantly accusing people on here of "hating" just because as an adult, I and many others expect a certain amount of accountability from college athletes. Are they all going to demonstrate this level of behavior????..no. But don't accuse me of "hate" because I don't jump on a player's drama wagon! Hate is a strong word and one that you throw around all too often!!!
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Which for all his troubles, he shows more class than people on VN who spewed vile at him and nothing else. Will be interesting once he has a contract worthy of his talents to see if he donates to TT or the UT. Given the attitudes of people here, if he donated 40 million, they'd probably gripe it wasn't 41 million. So probably he should donate to TT instead, they'd actually appreciate it.

The Shoney's in Cookeville was getting ragged the last time I visited.
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sorry if posted, but on Da'Rick Rogers twitter page this is his description.

Da'Rick Rogers

WR for the Indianapolis Colts #16. #VFL and TN Tech! Just trying be
the best at everything I do . I dream like I
live forever, But I live like I die tomorrow .

Atlanta & Indy, IN · facebook.com/darickrogers​
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Get over yourself and your constantly accusing people on here of "hating" just because as an adult, I and many others expect a certain amount of accountability from college athletes. Are they all going to demonstrate this level of behavior????..no. But don't accuse me of "hate" because I don't jump on a player's drama wagon! Hate is a strong word and one that you throw around all too often!!!

Drama wagon. Nice.
Am I the only one who didn't give a ****? He and Bray both quit on the team multiple times.

I'll wager that almost every Vols fan on this board gives **** about DR and TB boneheaded antics costing the team. I'll also wager that some of us actually understand that anybody, you included have done dumbass and dishonorable things at one time or another, and more than once. Yet, over time experienced a change for the better. That for some of us that change took decades and for some, one iron rod embedded concrete knock on the head got the lesson through immediately. That some of us understand that when the past is past, it's not so much what you did, as whether you learned well enough to not repeat it. But you know, some people just have to, it's mandatory that they hold onto a grudge like a hunger maddened wolf to a caribou bone. Even if a wounded caribou is just feet away unable to leave the scene. That bone is the all end all no matter what. May God have mercy on your black, unable to forgive, and hardened soul.

I too think DR was the jack of all asses. I do hope his Buffalo Bills experience does what not getting drafted didn't do for him. And that is be that iron embedded concrete head knock I mentioned. If he messes up with the Colts, it's his last chance. I vote to kick his unlearnable azz out of the league and all the way to the DPRK permanently. A place where people know how to deal with people who even think about being a jackass. But unlike you, I'm not going to waste my life or relationship with the Big Man upstairs hating on and presuming to be the celestial judge of DR or TB or any wayward player or person who has moved on.There's so much more to life than being a hatemonger.
Get over yourself and your constantly accusing people on here of "hating" just because as an adult, I and many others expect a certain amount of accountability from college athletes. Are they all going to demonstrate this level of behavior????..no. But don't accuse me of "hate" because I don't jump on a player's drama wagon! Hate is a strong word and one that you throw around all too often!!!

You can have your opinion but I can't have mine? Thank you for the update. Seems like I touched a nerve there, eh? Don't worry. Take a deep breath and then utter serenity now, very softly. See? It works very well when you let all the spite go. Ok, one more time, breath-serenity now. Got it? Good. Oh no, charge, put your wallet away. I'm always glad to help a fellow Vols fan. :)
You can have your opinion but I can't have mine? Thank you for the update. Seems like I touched a nerve there, eh? Don't worry. Take a deep breath and then utter serenity now, very softly. See? It works very well when you let all the spite go. Ok, one more time, breath-serenity now. Got it? Good. Oh no, charge, put your wallet away. I'm always glad to help a fellow Vols fan. :)

Nope...my nerves are great. I'm just tired of you throwing the "hate" word around so loosely. If I disagree and grow tired of a player's "repeated" bad behavior and abuse to the team...it doesn't mean I "hate" him. Got it?
Nope...my nerves are great. I'm just tired of you throwing the "hate" word around so loosely. If I disagree and grow tired of a player's "repeated" bad behavior and abuse to the team...it doesn't mean I "hate" him. Got it?

That player is no longer here and apparently doing well elsewhere. Even exhibiting belated love for the UT. He's in the present not in the past where you insist on being. Remember now, deep breath, utterly softly serenity now. Breath. Serenity now. Breath serenity now. Breath. Serenity now. Got it? :)
Interesting that he actually said Vol For Life!

Since CBJ has reached out to almost all former Vols, wonder if he has reached out to Da'Rick as well??

Interesting that he actually said Vol For Life!

Since CBJ has reached out to almost all former Vols, wonder if he has reached out to Da'Rick as well??


Despite my contention with truevol, I'd be the first to say that DR must first establish a history that backs up his VFL claim. He seems fine now but he has a reputation for volatile behavior. I'd say CBJ shouldn't invite him until we've seen at least two years of commendable trouble-free conduct. He established a history of unreliability at the UT, he must establish a history of reliability as a person outside the UT now. Like I futilely tried to tell truevol and one other, it less what you did than it is whether you learned from it.
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That player is no longer here and apparently doing well elsewhere. Even exhibiting belated love for the UT. He's in the present not in the past where you insist on being. Remember now, deep breath, utterly softly serenity now. Breath. Serenity now. Breath serenity now. Breath. Serenity now. Got it? :)

Nope...I'm always looking to the future! Glad to be off his drama train though! I hope he does well...stays employed, stays straight, gives to charities, gives back to the University that he now seems to "love", and has a hall of fame career! I'm just not going to be surprised if these things don't fall into place.
Nope...I'm always looking to the future! Glad to be off his drama train though! I hope he does well...stays employed, stays straight, gives to charities, gives back to the University that he now seems to "love", and has a hall of fame career! I'm just not going to be surprised if these things don't fall into place.

That's nice. I wouldn't be surprised either unless he gets or accepts a wise mentor. But in the meantime, I won't spew negativisim at him based on past conduct. I'll just wait and see instead of past and pre- judging him as far too many on this board so eagerly do to players and former players. The tendency of such meanness to repeat itself at even the slightest opportunity suggests dark heartedness. That's what disappoints me, the entrenched Jerry Springerism.
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Who still wonders just how much more potent our offense would've been with Hunter, Rogers, AND Patterson on the field at one time..?

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