The guy flat out quit running his routes and stopped blocking defenders during the Kentucky game because he didn't want to go to a bowl. That was out in public for everyone to see.
He was still having attitude problems when he went to Buffalo, which is part of why he was cut. He's a punk.
Good article from the IndyStar...sounds like Da'Rick has got hings going straight.
It sounds like he holds no ill will towards Tennessee.
Hope nothing but the best for him.
The guy flat out quit running his routes and stopped blocking defenders during the Kentucky game because he didn't want to go to a bowl. That was out in public for everyone to see.
He was still having attitude problems when he went to Buffalo, which is part of why he was cut. He's a punk.
No offense to you or or Dad, but that's probably why he runs his own business, most companies drug test their employees and they have anti drug use policies.
Coach Jones should reach out to Da'rick and ask him to come visit Knoxville. I'm sure Da'rick would love to come back, he spent best years of his life in Knoxville. I don't care how broke I was in college, I still remember college years as the best time of my life.
No offense to you or or Dad, but that's probably why he runs his own business, most companies drug test their employees and they have anti drug use policies.
Not gonna say it wasnt a perk to it for him but its not like he sits around like cheech and chong all day. He does hard work. Does a lot of the stuff himself as far as labor goes and manages a lot of responsibilities. Then goes home and works on his house or one of his cars or whatever.
Weed doesn't make you a thug or a bad person. You define who you are.
Ftr, I don't smoke. But I've seen the way people that drink act compared to people that smoke and I don't even like hanging around people that drink because of how they act.
Not trying to be judgemental towards people that do drink (not saying you do or don't)
But I don't see a difference in one being worse than the other. I've got my personal experiences from being around both but I dont see going home after work and drinking as beibg any different than going home after work and smoking weed. Like I said I'm not a fan of either but that's my perspective.
Sorry for the mini rant
No problem on the rant, now its my turn. In my opinion there are numerous differences between smoking weed and drinking alcohol.
Just from a legal standpoint, alcohol as long as one is 21 is legal. Possessing marijuana is illegal. Not to mention the vast underground criminal network that is supported every time one makes a small purchase of weed for personal use.
For the most part, The same drug dealers who sell weed, can get you Coke, smack, molly, meth or whatever ever pills you desire to gobble. So if you don't mind contributing to their criminal organizations, then go for it.
I chose to pop a cold beer rather than light up a marijuana cig. Just my two cents.
Or people could grow their own. You're grasping at straws. Its illegal to speed also, but I bet you go the speed limit all the time. Alcohol was illegal in the 1920s. This government does stuff just to do it. Hell, its already legal in a few states. 100% shine is illegal too. Would youmake an argument for it too?Like I said, I don't support either. But one doesn't ruin your life any more than the other from a health or attitude standpoint. Nor does one help u more than the other. Someone who sits around and smokes all day is as useful as someone who sits around and drinks all day.
You are right that is illegal, for now. So for now you are correct from a legal standpoint. But that wadnt my argument ro begin with.