I gotta tell you, I'm usually one of those who say, "Don't care what they wear, just play the game."
I'm usually one of those who think, you know, this is just a minor thing, kinda fun for the lads, and so a good thing, but no big deal.
But this.
Imagine you're one of the lads. Byron Young, say. You get into the locker room after the Vol Walk, and there is this uniform, in your locker, shoulder pads already inside the jersey, helmet staring back at you. And you put that on.
And then you run with 105 of your closest buddies through the T, dark mode, into a cloudy but otherwise perfect October night.
Yeah, this is going to add actual, real, no-joke points to the scoreboard. And pain to Kentucky players, on the field.
This **** is real.
I'm with you, Brave. Let's just go ahead and make this the Halloween uniform for years to come.
Go Vols!