Hooker is not my favorite on TSR. I like the general vibe of the station better than any one person. Taken individually none are that impressive but hooker doesn't seem to fit in. Not sure what it is about him.
I'm saying nothing. Cause I just had a big mess of buttered and garlic flavored colllard greens, broccoli and cauliflower combo, and 8 of them little lamb chops smoldred in Texas Pete hot sauce, and practically drank the whole bottle of wine. So I'm stuffed and drunk. Posting comments will surely result in Freak booting me. So why sign on? Darn if I know.
At least Knoxville is a sports town, asheville has good brews. But it's a bunch of Yankees and floridians that like soccer. I don't give two ****s about soccer.
I'm not a fan either but why call them names...if fact why call anyone names...seriously it reflects badly on all of us, VN as well as Tennessee fans....I certainly hope you don't have children or others you serve as an adult figure to...