Factually untrue.
Let's face it guys. The southeast is mostly uneducated compared to the rest of the country. He's right.
Prep schools PROUDLY publish their college acceptances.....just give us the school and the year....quite easy to look up......I will give you an out, you can admit you were exaggerating, as we all do, or you can say that you had 50 "apply" to Stanford and received a thank you letter back......your move....
I will just leave this riiiiight here......no one look now.....ya hare
America?s Most (and Least) Educated States - 24/7 Wall St.
The thing about Stanford is that their acceptance criteria leads them to diversity numbers that could be challenged by some to be discriminatory in nature.
While some will make fun of and poke at colleges and universities with acceptance criteria that is much less - those schools do give more students a chance to continue their education and hopefully rise above whatever situation they grew up with. And it annoys me when schools who still cater only to a certain sector of the population makes remarks to belittle these schools and the students who go there.
Some do. Mine didn't. In fact they never asked me all the colleges I was accepted to. We had five alone that went to MIT. Plenty others went to ivy league and some opted to stay home to be paid to go to UF. I really couldn't care less about you believing me or not Lol
I will take that as a "I was exaggerating"......no worries, we all do it.......I am sure that Stanford, which gets over 36,000 apps each year for 1,700 spots gave 50 of those spots to ONE school all the way across the country......but, I am sure YOUR prep school is better than any other in the country........by the way, the guidance office gets copied on ALL acceptance letters from colleges.....you are still stretching the truth....no worries.....
Having a college degree doesn't mean one is educated. Likewise just because one doesn't have one doesn't mean they are uneducated.
The country depends upon those who secure technical training via lessor degrees and many of those folks make a lot of money running their own businesses.
We incorrectly equate "years in school" to how educated or intelligent a person is and that is wrong.
...and just like Duke basketball, Stanford will accept 4 and 5 star football players who fall well short of their standard admissions criteria for normal students. There is a disingenuous element to Shaw's comment. He knows that exceptions are made for athletes. Kahlil McKenzie, Jalen Hurd and Todd Kelly Jr all had offers from Stanford. If they had wanted to go there they would have been accepted.
I have no doubt that exceptions are made for students whom are deemed a benefit to the school. That is not to imply that the three young men you mentioned could not have met the criteria - I don't know that and they all seem to be very articulate young men and I am happy they are at UT.
And it is not just athletes - sometimes parents have money to spare or political influence that overrides entrance criteria.
The acceptance criteria is really for those students who have nothing to offer but their ability to excel in the classroom.
Really? Humor is subjective like most forms of entertainment but for me a casual dig like this is only funny when there is at least a shred of truth to it and it isn't so easily rebutted. All David Shaw did was play off of an old stereotype that southerners are dumb. It was a lazy dig - not Spurrier-esque at all.
...even fans on Stanford's site are pointing to Dylan Jackson (DE from Maryville, TN. Yeah, just down the road from our campus)...I'm sure this thread will reference him a dozen times before it's over.
You teach at Bishop Kenny or Bolles?
Bishop Kenny High School | Jacksonville, Florida | Catholic College Preparatory School
The Bolles School: Class of 2015 Colleges and Universities Attended
huuum.....not one Stanford acceptance for either of last years classes......but HIS class had 50
Still, there are plenty of people from every state that get into Stanford. That's not a good look for Shaw. If Coach K said something like this, people would be losing it.
You teach at Bishop Kenny or Bolles?
Bishop Kenny High School | Jacksonville, Florida | Catholic College Preparatory School
The Bolles School: Class of 2015 Colleges and Universities Attended
huuum.....not one Stanford acceptance for either of last years classes......but HIS class had 50