The -18 or -17.5 it's at right now is just about right for the vegas line, meaning basing it on comparative talent and results to date. This wasn't the one that jumped out at me. Kentucky -14.5 over Vanderbilt stuns me. Vandy has fallen off quicker than any team I've ever seen.
Wow so defensive... Get over yourself Louis. The very next week I called ecu upsetting tech, see sport gambling isnt that hard just don't let your heart in it. So many on here have already been suckered in, no way Georgia beats Tennessee by 19 right?? Vegas rarely gets it wrong, do I hope Tennessee wins? Hell yes I do. But I'm not in the least bit confident about it after seeing this line. Yes upsets happen totally get that, but that's where so many make mistakes betting on your own team. Cause the vols can beat anyone right, we are Tennessee rah rah rah. My advice stay away from this one boys and girlsThey like you saw it after the fact. ThE line was set with Barrett as the starter. Blowing you're own horn after a game is already completed is weak. Unless you're retired right now from your windfall bet; you didn't "know" anything.;_ylt=AwrB4LrpZB9U0zcAPwRztJB4
I keep seeing quotes like this. What makes you believe this? Have any proof? I'd like to see butch prove some of this made up stuff I see posted