What about the countless hours and hard work it took to achieve that level of skill? Most college basketball players have been playing and practicing their entire life. And im sorry but God didn't teach basketball and coaching to Geno, hes been around the game and had a passion for the game since he was a boy.God doesn't have a favorite team but God did bless these girls with talent and skill. And I think showing your religion in public "Should" be expressed. God even blessed Geno with his ability to understand basketball and coach. You think Geno was born, another thanks to God, knowing basketball? I'm not trying to be disrespectful or hateful to you. But everything we all have is because of God and that thanks should be given to him, daily.
Geno didn't bash religion. He bashed people acting like the outcome was divine intervention. As if he hated the 1998 Seminoles football team so he had them lose to his beloved Vols yet at the same time he decided he hated the Lady Vols and was going to create a women's basketball dynasty at UCONN to bring the Lady Vols down. God loves us all, and I really think, as a Christian, God doesn't put a lot of stock in sporting events.
Christ even teaches to not practice your prayers and worship in the open like the hypocrites do but behind closed doors and worship and pray secretly to the Father. So basically, y'all are getting in an uproar about Geno having issues with those not listening to the teachings of Jesus.
You shush with your actually correct interpretation of what the man said and actual knowledge of the bible beyond what a man says on sundays to fill seats and get donations to his church.
How dare you insinuate that Jesus loves us all equally to not show divine favor to someone else, and therefore require us to make our own destiny based on our genetics, geography, and intelligence combined with our hard work (or lack thereof) instead of who drops on their knees and tries to bargain with him the hardest.
I would think God gave EVERYONE without mental deficiency the ability to understand basketball and coach. I seriously think that when athletes give credit to God after winning a game it is extremely disrespectful to the other team.
Speaking of mental deficiencies.. Why did God choose to bless these kids with their almighty basketball skills and choose to screw over the other kids with the problems they have whether physical or mental? I'm just not buying it. People are born and no one is the same. It's just that simple.
Hard to argue with him though. If you watch sports, you're forced to conclude that Jesus must hate pitchers, Defensive Backs, Kick coverage teams and all teams that lose.
I was just saying that it is offensive when an athlete gives all the credit to God after a win. If I'm on the losing team and stretch out my hand to congratulate them on the win I wouldn't like it too much because all I'd be thinking is 'You think God doesn't like US enough?"
As to why God gives kids almighty basketball skills (if that's possible), ask Him. Personally, I think a lot of those skills are earned through hard work, perseverance, game experience and improving your basketball IQ. But that's just me, mental deficiency and all..
The only argument I have about geno as goat is that year in and out the winner on the women's side is pretty predictable-like there's maybe 2 real contenders. The men's side is always more wide open so winning the men's championship is harder. More elite level players spread out across the men's game.
Sorry my post seemed directed at you. I didn't quote your specific post to address you. I just took your post and ran with it so to speak. I agree with you entirely. I was just trying to say I don't buy into people saying God blessed their kid with the skill. It's like saying God gave your kid such and such disease because he wanted to.
I know I thanked God when this happened.