DEA looking for people fluent in Ebonics



"Slava Ukraina"
Aug 14, 2007
Frank Marshall Davis Jr.'s (aka Barak Obama) DEA is setting black people back to slavery with this move.

DEA seeks Ebonics experts to help with cases - Yahoo! News

The search for translators covers a wide swath of the Southeast, including offices in Atlanta, Washington, New Orleans, Miami and the Caribbean, said Sanders. He said he's uncertain why other regions aren't hiring Ebonics translators, but said there are ongoing investigations in the Southeast that need dedicated Ebonics translators.

Uncertain why? Really?


If they want a perfect example of ebonics, they should go to the Rosetta Stone of Ebonics right here...

Reasons we fixin to whip Georgias ass this year!!
You are right... ebonics and everything it represents is somebody else's culture. Not mine.

When I saw that the new post in this thread was yours, this is almost exactly what I thought it would be. I think it was just a general boo stupid decisions comment.
I'm saying that when I read his comment that I thought you would be replying shortly with a definitive statement about your feelings regarding said culture. Maybe I misread your response.

Oh... do you feel I am justified in my outrage over this?
If I were a black person, I would be insulted. It's ludicrous to act as if they are incapable of speaking and understanding American English.

*waiting for a change in spelling of ludicrous
Oh... do you feel I am justified in my outrage over this?

It sounds to me more like some people who aren't familiar with the lingo used by the people they are trying to nail via their wiretaps. If they can't understand what is being said and they need to hire someone to help them translate it, then so be it, but I'm not sure why it is necessarily Ebonics. My niece says a ton of comments that I don't understand...and I'm pretty sure that she isn't speaking Ebonics....maybe Emo...if that's a slang.
It sounds to me more like some people who aren't familiar with the lingo used by the people they are trying to nail via their wiretaps. If they can't understand what is being said and they need to hire someone to help them translate it, then so be it, but I'm not sure why it is necessarily Ebonics. My niece says a ton of comments that I don't understand...and I'm pretty sure that she isn't speaking Ebonics....maybe Emo...if that's a slang.

I don't see why Ebonics is even a priority. In most cases, if you're not speaking Arabic or Spanish, you're small time.
my wife who is an english teacher runs into this problem regurally. she's been called a racist more than once because she requires the kids to write proper english.
my wife who is an english teacher runs into this problem regurally. she's been called a racist more than once because she requires the kids to write proper english.

I have several friends who are English teachers and they've pretty much been called every name in the book...all because they require their students to learn the subject....English.
the parents aren't doing the kids any favors. try getting a job interview if your resume has grammar issues.

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