Deanthonie Summerhill (video)



VolNation's Grand Poobah
Staff member
Oct 22, 2003

I thought this kid ran the football well in mop-up duty. Nine carries for 67 yards.
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Even though it was AP, looks to have pretty good vision of where the holes are opening up. Nice addition to the team!
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I thought he was a lot better at reading his blocks than Smith and Hill. Smith especially seemed to have pretty poor vision. I'll be curious to see if Summerhill moves up the depth chart a little.
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Seems to see his lanes and read blocks very well...and then gets going downhill. Looks to me like someone that should get some PT. No unnecessary dancing or east-west bs... I like what I saw.
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I was very impressed with him even if he was going against their 2nd or 3rd team. He was running behind our inexperienced O-line too. The cut at the :54 second mark was the most impressive in the film. He saw a hole and committed to it (twss) without dancing around. Hope he gets some playing time Saturday
Am I correct in assuming that Justice Pickett (Maryland transfer) WILL NOT be eligable to play this year?
Looks like a very good runner. Nice field vision. He's been around for a while, but never could crack the depth chart. Would like to see him get some more snaps in the future. If he would have been running behind the 1st team line he would have looked even better. 9 carries for 67 yds is pretty damn good. 7 yds a carry.
He looks to be a more instinctive runner than some of the others we've had lately. Hard to tell whether that's just because of the level of competition. But I like what I see. I would like to see him get a few carries with the first team to see what he can do.
Yeah it's hard to tell too much from that video. Austin Peay was gassed and just trying to keep us from breaking a long run. But that 3rd run in the video specifically, I thought he looked really decisive and quick. Would be interested to see how he runs in the future in some meaningful minutes.
WAY too slow. Cuts arnt crisp. He's decisive and has vision but from a physical standpoint he's not near the level he needs to be to compete in the SEC.

Glad he played well though and wish nothing but the best for the guy
Bransiel looked pretty good blocking on those runs. He didn't always dominate his guy, but he showed tenacity and seemed to put effort ino finishing blocks.

He should really help us out at TE once he's been in our strength and conditioning program for a year or two.

Once Wolf and Helm get on campus our future at TE is very bright.
I liked the way he played also, he was one of the few bright spots in the 2nd half.
WAY too slow. Cuts arnt crisp. He's decisive and has vision but from a physical standpoint he's not near the level he needs to be to compete in the SEC.

Glad he played well though and wish nothing but the best for the guy

Didn't see where anybody suggested he would pass Lane or Neal. He looked better than the other RBs in front of him on the depth chart, and it wasn't really close. Whether that is a compliment to Summerhill or an indictment of our RB depth is debatable.
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I could have swore that there were people on here ragging on this kids performance this weekend since it was A.P.....made I was still drunk though.

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