Deanthonie Summerhill (video)

I like the way he hits the hole and doesn't dance in the backfield. Thats my arm chair call for tonight. GBO!
He's been with the team since 2010.

He actually played last year on special teams in the Kentucky game.

WAY too slow. Cuts arnt crisp. He's decisive and has vision but from a physical standpoint he's not near the level he needs to be to compete in the SEC.

Glad he played well though and wish nothing but the best for the guy

I'm not nominating him for the Heisman or anything. :) But of the three guys fighting for that third running back spot, I thought Summerhill looked more impressive than Smith or Hill. Granted, it's just one game.

Didn't see where anybody suggested he would pass Lane or Neal. He looked better than the other RBs in front of him on the depth chart, and it wasn't really close. Whether that is a compliment to Summerhill or an indictment of our RB depth is debatable.

He was the lone offensive bright spot in the second half. I liked the energy and effort from him.

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