Dear Stormy...



Trophy Mod
Staff member
Oct 23, 2003
You have been gone almost one day and already so much has happened. A couple of Bammers decided that since their own boards wouldn't allow them to post on there anymore, they would come on VolNation and mouth off. I was provoked into saying things that I would usually never say, as you will see when you read the threads.
CPF caused quite a stir with his teleconference at Media Days. He called the media out about their constant putdowns of his playcalling, his coaching and even his physique. He was especially angry about being called a coward. You can get the whole scoop on or .
Freak still seems to have disappeared from the face of the earth. With great sadness, I am drafting his obituary as all attempts to reach him have failed. My conclusion is that he has eaten one too many hot dogs and paid the price. I hope to be proven wrong as we all know how valuable he is to this board.
GiveHim-6 and TNVOLS1 are their usual smart-aleck selves. GiveHim-6 confessed to wetting his pants today and TNVOLS1 revealed Bama's new logo - Whaaalabama Criminal Criers.
la.lovesorange has just about decided to go on a VolNation cleaning spree. She has gotten out her Big Orange Bleach and is ready to attack the Crimson Crap that seems to be lying around in little piles.
WestKyCat admitted to being a sprayer. I can only hope he is referring to pest control.
As I predicted, my post count has suffered greatly in your absence. That could also be due in part to the fact that I spent the entire day cleaning up my classroom.
Hope you are having a great time and avoiding the sand rash. I will drop you another update tomorrow.

:banghead: :banghead: :banghead: I know ya didn't just say I was a WETTER. :blink:
Dear Stormy,

Hope you are having a wonderful time in Hawaii. Just wanted to update you on how things are in the great VolNation.
The board continues to be inundated with Bama fans who seem either obsessed or intrigued with the Vols to the point where they hang out on OUR board more than they do their own. My speculation is that they are so ignorant (as is evidenced by their grammar and spelling :shakehead: ) that they aren't ALLOWED on any of the Bama boards. We let 'em hang out here out of pity and Christian charity, although we pay very little attention to what they say. Well, that's not EXACTLY true. Ol' 6 and one of the Bammers seem to be headed toward a preseason brawl. I don't know if they plan to sell tickets, but if they DO, I will bring you back a T-shirt. Of course, we are rooting for 6.
From what I can make out of MemphisVol's most recent posts, he will soon be in heat. Maybe that means more to you than it does to me, I dunno. Just relaying the message. Apparently, he also thinks I am a goddess. No argument here.
Freak is still MIA. Who knows, you may run into him in Hawaii. If you do, give him our regards.
TNVOLS1, la.lovesorange, GAVOL, and the rest of the gang sez hey. If you walk under any coconut trees, watch out for the monkeys. Come home soon.

You are on a roll LIO. :bow:

I have sworn off hotdogs until the season starts. :p
Originally posted by vol_freak@Jul 31, 2004 9:42 AM
You are on a roll LIO. :bow:

No, Freaky, HOT DOGS are on rolls. And I believe you about being sworn off them . REALLY, I do.

Dear Stormy,

Three days have passed since you left us for the tropics and there isn't much to report. Today has been very slow at VolNation, due in part to the conspicuous absence of the Whaalabama Criminal Criers ( $1 to TNVOLS1). I have to say their absence has cleared the VolNation air of the permeating smell of sour grapes that has lingered for the last few days.
Guess what, Stormy? FREAK isn't dead after all!! Not only did he come on the board today, but he actually POSTED!! According to one of his posts, he is fasting hot dogs until the season starts. Talk about taking one for the team! I personally have a hard time believing he will make it, but I guess that remains to be seen.
MemphisVol revealed a fascinating bit of information on why men refuse to make sense when they post on forums and also shared his theory of the link between Bammers and sexually frustrated bugs. I am still trying to work that one out with not much success, I am sad to say.
I suppose you are making the rounds of the hottest luaus and are probably the toast of the town. Knowing you, you will probably come back able to play Rocky Top on the ukelele. If you see Magnum P.I. please give him a kiss for me and la.lovesorange. Come home soon.


:lol: :lol:

That's great LIO. Can't wait to read tomorrow's edition of "As the VolNation Turns"
Originally posted by LadyinOrange@Aug 1, 2004 2:47 PM
Y'all need to ppost so I'll have some material to work with.


I think Sunday's are usually a slow day around here. :dunno:

But I'm sure if I post enough today I will say something stupid and give you some good material. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by vol_freak+Aug 1, 2004 1:50 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (vol_freak @ Aug 1, 2004 1:50 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-LadyinOrange@Aug 1, 2004 2:47 PM
Y&#39;all need to ppost so I&#39;ll have some material to work with.


I think Sunday&#39;s are usually a slow day around here. :dunno:

But I&#39;m sure if I post enough today I will say something stupid and give you some good material. :rolleyes: [/quote]
Even if you don&#39;t, I have "poetic license" and I KNOW how to use it.

:eek:lol: :eek:lol:

Hey, if Lundy and Adams can do it, why not me??


Dear Stormy,

The only word to describe day 4 of your absence is SLOOOOOOW. I guess it being Sunday and all had a lot to do with it, since I spent most of the day in church or asleep. :snoring:
Freak appears to be back on the board for good. Don&#39;t tell him I said it, but I suspect he is a closet soap opera addict. I think he watches As the World Turns on a regular basis.
Guess what Stormy. We have another FEMALE poster on VolNation&#33;&#33; Maybe she will have LOTS of friends and invite them to the board too. This place needs a more feminine touch. That hideous couch in the corner has GOT to go&#33;
The Bammers have been strangely silent. I think they know FREAK is back and are scared. Suits me. I was sick of sour grapes already.
Stormy, please be careful if you decide to go surfing. We don&#39;t want to lose a valuable poster such as yourself to the sharks. Hang ten and come home soon.

Dear Stormy,

Day five of your vacation is almost over and the VolNation has been pretty quiet today. The frivolous lawsuit against CPF was dismissed due to lack of jurisdiction. Whether or not they will appeal remains to be seen.
Freak has been going around trying to predict the end of the world. I think he has been listening to too much Finebaum. :shakehead: We are going to try to cheer him up a little this week.
Have you seen Don Ho? If you come back attempting to sing "Tiny Bubbles", I will personally recommend your removal from the board. Ha Ha. Just kidding. :)
I apologize for the lack of news and anecdotes. Since I have been writing to you, the board has gone strangely silent. Weird, huh?
Watch out for cracked coconuts and come home soon.


Originally posted by LadyinOrange@Aug 2, 2004 10:05 PM
Freak has been going around trying to predict the end of the world.

:blink: :blink: Where did you get that?

Storm, I think LIO has taken up drinking while you have been gone. :dunno:
(la.lovesorange @ Aug 2, 2004 3:32 PM)
Sad.............. :(   Its a shame we have to live this way. Makes me scared for my kids. What in the world is it gonna be like in 30 years??? :bad:   

At this rate it may not still be here.   :unsure:

Don&#39;t listen to HIM, Stormy. I think he&#39;s suffering from Part-Timers&#33;
Dear Stormy,

I doubt it can be any hotter in Hawaii than it has been here the last few days. The humidity has been like a steamy blanket and I am about suffocated. :( At least my classroom has a good air-conditioner. :good:
I suppose by now you have established yourself as the King of the Beach, assuming you have stayed clear of the dreaded "sand rash". I know you will have lots of volleyball and surfing stories to tell us upon your return. Probably a medal or two to show us as well. We can&#39;t wait. ( :dlol: )
The board has been kinda slow, so my post count has suffered. I hold you responsible and you WILL pay. :p
Freak has been frequenting the board quite regularly, I am pleased to report and except for a few.....lapses, he seems quite well.
Well, I&#39;m out of stuff to say (if you can believe THAT) except for "Come home soon." The VolNation gang sez hey.


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