Death of privacy in Chattanooga

I sure don't envy your commute. My wife was stationed at the Navy Annex in Arlington several years ago - on the hill adjacent to the cemetery where the AF Memorial is now. I was good getting into town on I-66 and with driving in Arlington in general, but I was really frustrated about how to get back on I-66 when leaving town. One day while filling up at the Navy Exchange gas station across from the Annex, I asked a couple of Pentagon cops the secret about getting on I-66. They told me to take a couple of rights and then go around the perimeter of the Pentagon parking lot, turn and go through an underpass, and there would be an on ramp. Worked like a charm - I guess now smartphones have that kind of thing covered.
We intentionally moved right next to a metro stop in Alexandria so I wouldn't have to drive. I still only "commute" traditionally once a week, but even then I don't really need to be in the office until 10. I still hate the traffic but usually I'm headed the opposite way.

My logistics background paid off in terms of planning my life, I guess.
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We intentionally moved right next to a metro stop in Alexandria so I wouldn't have to drive. I still only "commute" traditionally once a week, but even then I don't really need to be in the office until 10. I still hate the traffic but usually I'm headed the opposite way.

My logistics background paid off in terms of planning my life, I guess.

I helped my wife find an apartment, and she planned on using the bus to get to work. The apartment complex was nice - a developer bought the place and completely gutted the buildings and then rebuilt. The rep who showed us around mentioned something about Army Navy Drive when I took some paperwork back over, so I tried it - a couple of blocks to Army Navy, down to Pentagon Row, left under a mass of expressways, and left into the Annex parking lot in just over 5 min. I called and told her she wouldn't believe what I found and forget the bus thing. The first directions took us a much longer route from Ft Meyer, and we had no clue how close the place really was to her work.
Depends on the camera. If it's from s stationary cop car you do. One of the Oklahoma based ones, not so much.

Chattanooga or Hamilton Co "neatly" handled the issue as I recall by having a cop in the van with the hardware, and having the ticket "signed" by a cop even though it was printed up by the pay per ticket vendor. That seemed even shadier than just having vending machine tickets from a mercenary with no legal jurisdiction.
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My first foray into the street camera money laundering scheme was when my youngest was going to ETSU. I got a bill in the mail from the Johnson City police with a $150 ticket for my kid running a red light and a link to the proof. I watched the video link and it showed my kid starting to turn left when the traffic was clear and some people stepping in front of her crossing the street. She waited for them to cross and then finished her turn when the light had turned red.

I'm glad to know that it is not required to pay these fines anymore. These cameras are nothing more than a money grab from taxpayers.
My first foray into the street camera money laundering scheme was when my youngest was going to ETSU. I got a bill in the mail from the Johnson City police with a $150 ticket for my kid running a red light and a link to the proof. I watched the video link and it showed my kid starting to turn left when the traffic was clear and some people stepping in front of her crossing the street. She waited for them to cross and then finished her turn when the light had turned red.

I'm glad to know that it is not required to pay these fines anymore. These cameras are nothing more than a money grab from taxpayers.

I got popped for speeding in Oak Ridge. Paid it at the time .
My first foray into the street camera money laundering scheme was when my youngest was going to ETSU. I got a bill in the mail from the Johnson City police with a $150 ticket for my kid running a red light and a link to the proof. I watched the video link and it showed my kid starting to turn left when the traffic was clear and some people stepping in front of her crossing the street. She waited for them to cross and then finished her turn when the light had turned red.

I'm glad to know that it is not required to pay these fines anymore. These cameras are nothing more than a money grab from taxpayers.

Another gotcha with red light cams is you are following a big truck or SUV in a car during heavy traffic and you can't see either what's in front of them or the light; easy to be the one left over the line when the light changes. Sure you might be marginally too far forward when the game of musical chairs ended, but it certainly doesn't prove any intent - just that someone had the misfortune not to know the conditions.
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Another gotcha with red light cams is you are following a big truck or SUV in a car during heavy traffic and you can't see either what's in front of them or the light; easy to be the one left over the line when the light changes. Sure you might be marginally too far forward when the game of musical chairs ended, but it certainly doesn't prove any intent - just that someone had the misfortune not to know the conditions.
You done any mods to your boxer?
thats how it should be.

285 in here in Atlanta should have 6 exits/entrances. Once each time another interstate crosses it.

Grew up in ATL, moved out 22 years ago. Always said ATL was perpetually 3 lanes short and 10 years behind in traffic planning.
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You done any mods to your boxer?

No. My only mod has been to take out the stereo and install a new touchscreen audio system, and I added a Maestro interface that plugs into the OBD port and displays all kinds of engine parameters while you drive - things like coolant temperature that should be on the instrument panel in the first place.
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No. My only mod has been to take out the stereo and install a new touchscreen audio system, and I added a Maestro interface that plugs into the OBD port and displays all kinds of engine parameters while you drive - things like coolant temperature that should be on the instrument panel in the first place.

I was wondering if those chips are some comments on YouTube that they are garbage.
I was wondering if those chips are some comments on YouTube that they are garbage.

I've read the advertising in the past when I had other cars, but I can't say I was ever really tempted. I'm pleased with the performance this car has - could be just age, but it does what I want. My only complaint is that I think the 5 speed manual they used in the WRX was a better choice than the 6 speed manual in my car. 1st is geared way too low - you hit the rev limiter really fast.
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I've read the advertising in the past when I had other cars, but I can't say I was ever really tempted. I'm pleased with the performance this car has - could be just age, but it does what I want. My only complaint is that I think the 5 speed manual they used in the WRX was a better choice than the 6 speed manual in my car. 1st is geared way too low - you hit the rev limiter really fast.

I never got that real low 1st gear on any car with good torque. Can 2nd gear starts work well?
I never got that real low 1st gear on any car with good torque. Can 2nd gear starts work well?

I do 2nd gear starts sometimes, but it generally doesn't feel right, so I just stick with first for the most part. I do skip from 3rd to 5th a lot of times - 2nd to 4th feels awkward, but 3rd to 5th feels comfortable.
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I do 2nd gear starts sometimes, but it generally doesn't feel right, so I just stick with first for the most part. I do skip from 3rd to 5th a lot of times - 2nd to 4th feels awkward, but 3rd to 5th feels comfortable.

Yea..probably something in all those ratios.
Does a FWD or AWD use a transfer case or just axle drive straight off the tranny? I need to look up a diagram.
Yea..probably something in all those ratios.
Does a FWD or AWD use a transfer case or just axle drive straight off the tranny? I need to look up a diagram.

When I replaced clutches in the older Hondas, the drive shafts came right out of the transmission case. One drive shaft was shorter than the other, so they get a little torque steer. I'm not sure exactly how Subaru does it or even how Honda does it in my wife's CR-V. I do know Subaru makes a big point about equal length drive shafts, and there is absolutely no torque steer. The car just goes where you point it; I think somebody coming from a RWD car wouldn't feel anything abnormal, and somebody coming from a FWD would think the car was just very well behaved.
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