Defense Bill Gives Pentagon $1 Million for ‘Gender Advisors’

part of the larger problem. willingness to spend and get involved in too much stuff. removing it would be treating a symptom at this point, not the disease. but those symptoms can take you down. cutting this out would be small thing, but how many similar programs are like this?

Add all administrative costs* put together, what % of the military budget is it going to be? This is a genuine question, I have no idea. Does anybody know?

*administrative costs not directly related foreign conflict/occupation
But it's a million dollars in a 600 billion dollar budget and I don't like the way it sounds politically, so let's focus on this almost insignificant amount of money as we sell our children and grandchildren down the river of unbearable debt by supporting/turning a blind eye to the swamp that is the MIC.

The Armys Sexual Harassment Assault Response and Prevention (SHARP) Program costs $14 million dollars.
So gender advisers have been around since 2009. Every Western Military has had them and now the U.S. military is incorporating them more widely with the integration of females into combat roles. Basically, a Gender Advisors job is to "provide guidance and advice on how to integrate operations and missions, crisis and conflict analysis, concepts, doctrine, procedures, and education and training."
One example is when the Army suddenly realized that woman can't wear body armor that has been designed for men after being told that for years that it causes some musculoskeletal injuries in female soldiers over time Gender Advisors have been at the Combatant Command level since June of this year. It's really not that big of a deal of been told about it.
So in short thy’re a waste of money.
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So in short thy’re a waste of money.
Nah. Conducting research on musculoskeletal injuries then ignoring it is a waste of money. Creating a new dress uniform is a waste of money. upgrading the M-4 every year instead of just obtaining a new rifle is a waste of money.
Nah. Conducting research on musculoskeletal injuries then ignoring it is a waste of money. Creating a new dress uniform is a waste of money. upgrading the M-4 every year instead of just obtaining a new rifle is a waste of money.
Yeah, gender advisers are certainly needed for all of that....🙄
From one month ago but getting discussion today.

Comer & Sessions Open Probe into Department of Defense After Failing GAO Audit for Fifth Time

Investigating DOD’s failure to prevent waste, fraud, and abuse after its failure to account for 61% of its $3.5 trillion in assets

WASHINGTON — House Committee on Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) and Subcommittee on Government Operations and the Federal Workforce Chairman Pete Sessions (R-Texas) are probing the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) for its failure to prevent waste, fraud, and abuse after the department failed its fifth consecutive audit in November. In a letter to Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, the Republican lawmakers request a staff-level briefing to acquire additional information on the DOD’s failed audit, financial management practices generally, and what it is doing to implement outstanding recommendations for improvement.

Comer & Sessions Open Probe into Department of Defense After Failing GAO Audit for Fifth Time - United States House Committee on Oversight and Accountability
If we have to get into a spending war with China to have the best military gender advisors, then so be it. I mean are we going to be serious or not.
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Yeah, we probably paid three times that much to shuttle Trump to Mar-a-Lago to eat chocolate cake and get two scoops of vanilla ice cream while his entourage gets one scoop.
You still have a problem with the President getting ice cream, or nah?
From one month ago but getting discussion today.

Comer & Sessions Open Probe into Department of Defense After Failing GAO Audit for Fifth Time

Investigating DOD’s failure to prevent waste, fraud, and abuse after its failure to account for 61% of its $3.5 trillion in assets

WASHINGTON — House Committee on Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) and Subcommittee on Government Operations and the Federal Workforce Chairman Pete Sessions (R-Texas) are probing the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) for its failure to prevent waste, fraud, and abuse after the department failed its fifth consecutive audit in November. In a letter to Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, the Republican lawmakers request a staff-level briefing to acquire additional information on the DOD’s failed audit, financial management practices generally, and what it is doing to implement outstanding recommendations for improvement.

Comer & Sessions Open Probe into Department of Defense After Failing GAO Audit for Fifth Time - United States House Committee on Oversight and Accountability
Well, some of it's still in Afghanistan..... Whatever's not there, they might want to check the Ukraine.
Ah love, going back five years to quote a post from me. So touching for you to think of me. You must be lonesome tonight?

I mean, it's a two-page thread that just got bumped today, but if it makes you feel special, you fly your flag, girl.

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