The reported Biden inflation was betwen 9 and 10% from 7/21 to 6/22. The *real* Biden inflation numbers were several points higher than that (I went into lengthy accounting nerd detail about how the best buyers on the planet such as Wal Mart, Costco, and Home Depot ate into their LIFO layers because for the only time in history their costs exceeded CPI for the products they sell.)
If you get a balanced budget next year by cutting spending by $1.5T (aint going to happen but Ill play along) and set that as your baseline to stop taxing, you'll still be printing 2-2.5x peak Biden amounts of money. And that easily puts you into the range I was talking about. And that doesnt factor in your interest payments on your 36T (plus 5 to 6T of new debt annually) will increase exponentially, which will make you print more money....
The only way this idea works is cutting federal spending by 85-90%. You see the Rs voting to gut grandma or Boeing, Northrup, Lockheed, RTX, etc...
Argentina tried to print their way into prosperity and they wrecked a regionally strong economy for decades....