To expose jackasses like yourself. The vast majority (almost 80%) of the populace in the UK support the majority (that is a higher percentage of the populace than pays taxes).
If the subjects of the UK wants to get rid of their monarchy, they will; if not, they will keep it.
Wait, you can have an opinion on this and it's OK, but if I do, I'm a jackass?
I personally don't give a **** what you think, or what the populace of the UK thinks.
Yes, you are a jackass and this post explains it all. Maybe, you should advise the UK on what is best for them.
This, right here, is prototypical American Arrogance. You and Volskin should get together and have a jingoistic, pro-America party.
You'd be in the same boat, then.
Is there something wrong with being pro-America? America fought a war to free ourselves from the out-of-touch monarchy in Britain. Evidently, they are still out of touch, outdated, and a complete waste of their subjects tax dollars.
I guess you think George Washington was a pro-America jackass too.
No, just a regular jackass.
Being pro-America is a terrible thing when it blinds you from making rational decisions, from seeing the facts, and when it imbues you with a sense of some kind of cultural superiority over others. You have demonstrated all three of these traits today. Congrats.
LOL. That's the conclusion you come to for someone who thinks a $47M salary for the queen is ridiculous? OK! :salute:
Under the new arrangement, the Queen receives 15 percent of the profits made over two years from the Crown Estate, whose portfolio includes Regent Street, Windsor Great Park and more than half the country's shoreline.
Buckingham Palace said the Treasury calculations were based on forecasts. The sums the Queen will receive will depend on the Crown Estate's trading performance.
The Queen's income frozen until 2015 - Telegraph
The Crown Estate
Property owned by the Sovereign of the United Kingdom 'in right of the Crown' - with origins dating back almost 1000 years.
Not to even begin on the amount of money they receive from tourism. People are infatuated with the Royals.