Did you attend the Tennessee/Arkansas game in 1998

I wasnt there, i was watching it at my grandmothers house. My older brother and dad left eartly because of the rain. Their plan was to catch the rest of the game at the student center on the big screen but on their way out they heard the loud cheers and tried to head back but it was too late. too bad for them
I was living in Memphis and watched the game at some friends' apartment downtown. I was ready to throw myself out the 8th floor window when we didn't convert on 4th down. I said if we won I'd run down Main Street naked.

We'll, I lied. But the partying that night was legendary. This girl we were with kept yelling "Pig-soooeeyyy" at the Rendezvous later that night. I thought we were going to get shot by some hog fans.
I was at work and the radio was telling the story. I admit whe the pigs had the ball I gave up...then comes a lab tech running out onto the production floor shouting we got the ball!!!!!! I went in the lab and they we reliving the play....then the Vols marched down the field 8-10 yards a clip every play. When the whistle blew I was astonished...and thought Clint Stoerner has just become the goat we'll ride. I admit I gave up, I had already conceded the loss.
i was 8 yrs old, so i don't remeber watchin the game.... but i did watch it on the internet a few years ago....
I watched at home. I remember thinking it was over when Ark got the ball back. I kept watching though. As soon as I saw the fumble I shouted out loud "We're gonna win this damn game!!!"
(allvol@15 @ May 2 said:
i was 8 yrs old, so i don't remeber watchin the game.... but i did watch it on the internet a few years ago....
man i feel old now.
(bigdaddy @ May 3 said:
so do i....you couldn't even watch games on the net back then..ouch
hell, i didn't even have a regular email address until 99 or 2000....i must be a crochity old fart!!! Just bought my 1st PC last year.....man, where have i been.
I was on the interstate, going to visit my brother in M'boro. Somewhere near Nashville, I heard the fumble and the UT recovery and I dang near wrecked my car.
(utfantilidie @ May 2 said:
I remember all the fans hitting the exits late in this game, I chose to stay.I remember the thousands of people who left who headed back to the stadium after the Arkansas fumble.Question is;Did you leave that game prior to the Arkansas turnover?If yes,did you regret it?

Yes I was there and NO I did not leave. Never have left a game early and never will. If the players are on that field I am in the stands. Win or lose, it's the VOLS and I am proud to be a VOL.
(allvol@15 @ May 2 said:
i was 8 yrs old, so i don't remeber watchin the game.... but i did watch it on the internet a few years ago....

Where can I find this to watch it again?
I will never forget walking out of the stadium shouting "It's Great to be a Tennessee Vol" and We're Number 1!

Of course, we were only number 1 iun one poll, but still...
I was there, and yes, I was talked into leaving prior to THE fumble. We didn't get out of the stadium, and after the fumble, we ran back into some section with another 1000 fans or so and watched the final drive. I will NEVER leave a game early now, no matter what the score is. Lesson learned!
i was in san antonio texas watching the game with the inlaws and my wife. I left the room to watch the rest in the bedroom and sulk in my misery....until...


one of the greatest, most bone-headed plays in UT history.
I was there, and for some reason, the whole game I had a strange feeling that we would come back and win the game.
My Dad and I got the tickets for this game from friends who had season tickets. They didn't want to go because of the rain and one of the ticket holders was sick. So, we hadn't been for 2 years because my Dad's business no longer got season tickets. As we arrive to one of the Henley St area/Baptist lots, I remind him that crazy games ALWAYS happen in the rain.

And it happened.
My first game ever in person...left North Alabama at about 6am so we could be there for the Vol walk and all the festivities...rained, rained, and rained some more. Me and my dad were up in the nose bleeds where you have about -2inches of room b/t you and the person in front of you. I stood there with the guy behind us saying "well that'll do it..let's go kids" thinking..my first game at Neyland, national championship hopes, soaking wet, and it is going to end like this.........then came the FUMBLE..I almost shoved my dad 10 rows in front of us. It was so great, but arriving back in North Alabama still soaking wet at around 4am was not so fun. I am still glad that was my first game ever.
I was in YY, and I remember seeing a bunch of bright orange ponchos and a dark sky. I remember thinking, "COME ON DAMNIT!! OHIO STATE LOST LAST WEEKEND AND WE'RE #1 NOW!!!!

Then I saw 2 Razorback receivers make our defense look like My little pony collectors. Then, on 1 drive, because of luck, we scored a TD for the win. 1 minute and change of good offense the whole game. Give Arkansas credit, they were undefeated and #10, though.
(Jasongivm6 @ May 5 said:
I was in YY, and I remember seeing a bunch of bright orange ponchos and a dark sky. I remember thinking, "COME ON DAMNIT!! OHIO STATE LOST LAST WEEKEND AND WE'RE #1 NOW!!!!

Then I saw 2 Razorback receivers make our defense look like My little pony collectors. Then, on 1 drive, because of luck, we scored a TD for the win. 1 minute and change of good offense the whole game. Give Arkansas credit, they were undefeated and #10, though.
I watched it til the end on tv. i learned my lesson when i turned off the tv just before the half of the 1991 ND game. i know some people who did that this year after the first half of the LSU game.

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