Dinesh D’Souza Facing Law Suit for "2000 Mules"

So this is how free speech will die. Alex Jones and now this. They will just use the courts to discourage counter-narratives.

Add to that the fact that it appears Google is actively supressing conservative voices and Facebook and Twitter certainly aren't biased at all.
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I haven't seen the movie....do they say Mr. Andrews name specifically??? They do blurr his face according to the article, so if he himself verified it was him...I'm not sure there is a case here..
So if an individual is put into a video like this and called a criminal they should have no recourse? Defamation shouldn't be against law?

You make a good point. I'm assuming he can prove in his lawsuit that the ballots he dropped off were indeed only his family members. If he is innocent, then by all means he should be able to sue. I will say ballot harvesting is a real issue and unfortunately there are going to be innocent people that get caught up in something like this. This is where law enforcement should be stepping in to make a thorough investigation.
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You make a good point. I'm assuming he can prove in his lawsuit that the ballots he dropped off were indeed only his family members. If he is innocent, then by all means he should be able to sue. I will say ballot harvesting is a real issue and unfortunately there are going to be innocent people that get caught up in something like this. This is where law enforcement should be stepping in to make a thorough investigation.
He will have to prove he has been harmed by it as well correct?
If he was dropping off ballots for him and his family, what proof is there that he didn’t alter the votes? This drop off/mail in stuff shouldn’t be legal,
You make a good point. I'm assuming he can prove in his lawsuit that the ballots he dropped off were indeed only his family members. If he is innocent, then by all means he should be able to sue. I will say ballot harvesting is a real issue and unfortunately there are going to be innocent people that get caught up in something like this. This is where law enforcement should be stepping in to make a thorough investigation.
It appears law enforcement did since the doc led to someone calling him out for it

A state probe by the Georgia Bureau of Investigation found that Andrews had committed no wrongdoing, and dismissed a complaint filed against him as a result of the documentary in May
I know know nothing about this movie, but the #1 defense to defamation (as established in the 1700s) is that the statement is known to be true.

The first case on record was colony Governor that sued a reporter that printed something that harmed his character. The article in fact was iron-clad true, so the court set the precedent that a known truth is the defense to defamation.
So if an individual is put into a video like this and called a criminal they should have no recourse? Defamation shouldn't be against law?

Every person that recklessly uses words like racist, white supremacy, etc should be sued for everything they have or go to prison. Sure let’s do it.
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