Dire Predictions for the Stock Market

Well I guarantee George Soros is making beaucoup bucks. What's he up to? Investing heavily overseas? Drastically reducing his exposure to US Equities?
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I wouldn't let that moron influence what toilet paper I buy.

Ready to take me up on that challenge yet? You keep name calling... put up or shut up. Beck saying (and referencing his claims) things that you don't like does not make him wrong.

What ideal has he promoted that you can prove wrong? Let's not get into the side issues... let's talk about the fundamental things he claims about economics, politics, the founding ideals, etc.
You obviously let him get your panties in a wad though. He clearly has some effect on you. Again, amazing how the 'insignificant' have such a hold on people. Taking the time to quote the guy? Come on. Admit it. You're a closet fan.

My guess is that he is very frustrating to LG since he says stuff LG doesn't like and backs it up with references and proofs.

Now LG will come through posting some side issue or link to a leftist opinion on Beck. I'll keep waiting for him to post some real, meaningful proof.
Well I guarantee George Soros is making beaucoup bucks. What's he up to? Investing heavily overseas? Drastically reducing his exposure to US Equities?

Soros made most of his wealth trading currency IIRC. IOW's, this great funder of liberal causes made his money DIRECTLY from the suffering of consumers by leveraging insider political connections in countries with heavy gov't involvement in the economy.

He is the model liberal Democrat. 'Lie about your care for people while empowering yourself.'
My only problem with Beck is that he cries and gets real emotional a lot on his radio show. That's why I listen to Bortz.
Beck is hard to listen to at times. Bortz is solid.

becks recent rant about obama's father being some sort of communist and making the argument that therefore obama believes everything his father does because he named his book "dreams from my father" was really really pathetic and some of the worst logic i've ever heard in my life.
He makes solid points, in many cases I agree with. But he also goes passed a good point in situations where he should have stopped.
He makes solid points, in many cases I agree with. But he also goes passed a good point in situations where he should have stopped.

exactly. my guess is this has more to do with his need to fill 4 hours of airtime rather than his real beliefs.
exactly. my guess is this has more to do with his need to fill 4 hours of airtime rather than his real beliefs.

Yeah, hes gotta say something I guess.:)

Maybe he ought to find some good music to play after he makes his point.
I prefer Mark Levine, who is on the radio during my long commute home.

Dude cracks me up when he loses his temper and starts hollering into the mike.
becks recent rant about obama's father being some sort of communist and making the argument that therefore obama believes everything his father does because he named his book "dreams from my father" was really really pathetic and some of the worst logic i've ever heard in my life.
Do you have a transcript?
His conspiracy theories are entertaining, but take them with a grain of salt. One morning he had Frank Caliendo(sp) on the show and all he did was make fun of the conspiracy theories and gold commercials.
exhibit z he's all about the money.

See, I'd like to believe that. I mean, if that was what this is all about then I'd just laugh it off.

But he's telling people to take their money out of the market because of a coming world depression, he's holding rallies, and 2-3 times a week he tells people with a tear in his eyes that they just need to succumb to his vision of the world because he knows history and he's right.

The dude is flat out frightening at times and I am not sure I buy that this isn't a megalomaniac in the offing.
See, I'd like to believe that. I mean, if that was what this is all about then I'd just laugh it off.

But he's telling people to take their money out of the market because of a coming world depression, he's holding rallies, and 2-3 times a week he tells people with a tear in his eyes that they just need to succumb to his vision of the world because he knows history and he's right.

The dude is flat out frightening at times and I am not sure I buy that this isn't a megalomaniac in the offing.

me thinks you are overreacting. read that forbes article i posted here before and get back to me.
no, but he did end with "well these might be the dreams of obama's father, but certainly were not the dreams of mine.' :unsure:

I'd still like to read it in context since I have heard Beck talk about how Obama never really knew his father that well.

That said, I would say that Beck has done a service to the public by exposing the various radicals who have influenced Obama.

If the MSM had done its job, Beck would have never been known.
But he's telling people to take their money out of the market because of a coming world depression,
Two things here. Did he really say a depression WAS coming and then tell people to take their money out of the market?

Second, Obama's policies may well be leading us to a double dip recession and potentially a depression if Congress actually tries to fund his spending programs.

The US had depressions before the 30's. IIRC, the last major one before that was in the 1890's. Progressives were still just a bunch of eggheaded academics with very little influence (but were in the process of infiltrating the press and education establishment). The gov't did nothing. Businesses failed and many people suffered... for about 2 years then the economy took off again. Businesses and individuals were taught hard lessons about being conservative with their investments. Those lessons lasted about a generation before reckless behavior once again created a depression.

This time, the progressives were in charge of both parties. They employed the Progressive/big gov't response to the depression... and extended it until they were saved by WWII.

Obama is more of an extreme "progressive" than any of those in charge then. Left unchecked, he stands a very, very good chance of running us headlong into a depression.
he's holding rallies, and 2-3 times a week he tells people with a tear in his eyes that they just need to succumb to his vision of the world because he knows history and he's right.
He does know history and the ideals he proposes aren't novel or even his. They are the founding ideals of our country that made it the greatest nation on earth.

The dude is flat out frightening at times and I am not sure I buy that this isn't a megalomaniac in the offing.
Yeah... I can see how a zealot for freedom and personal responsibility/sovereignty would scare a liberal or one of their dependent dupes.

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