So weed cures cancer huh?
No. That is hemp oil. You don't smoke hemp. Marijuana CAN be processed similarly (so can cow $h_t), but not as effectively as hemp. Additionally, and though from the same plant species, hemp contains only trace elements of THC. It is the proper alternative for fuel. Not marijuana.
Let's not even get started on the deleterious effect of marijuana on society.
Yet another shining example of our public education system. SMH.
For those of whom are interested, you'll be able to vote for medicinal marijuana on the next ballot
Obviously not you...if you continue to believe everything you are spoon fed by the GOV and media you will live in ignorance.
A walking stereotype; green user and gov't / authority beef leading to paranoidism.
I'd say you're getting along just fine with this stuff relegated to the black market. Let's keep it that way so we won't have to see our country deteriorate more than it already has.
Firmly believe in legalization, but that caught my eye as well. Marijuana can help with the pain and side effects of chemo, but it does not cure cancer. Asinine statement.