Disrespecting UT players.



New Member
Nov 15, 2013
What is up with some of you? It is one thing to talk badly about how they have played. But to make insults, childish insults, is unacceptable. I know there is a wide range of ages that post on this board. But I would suspect most of the posters I am referring to are mature enough to know that you do not make fun of someone's appearance. I know this is the silly season, but that is simply not silly. And if you think you are being funny, let me tell you... YOU ARE NOT. These young men have committed themselves to play for UT, a school that we love. So lets show a little respect. Grow up and Go vols.
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What is up with some of you? It is one thing to talk badly about how they have played. But to make insults, childish insults, is unacceptable. I know there is a wide range of ages that post on this board. But I would suspect most of the posters I am referring to are mature enough to know that you do not make fun of someone's appearance. I know this is the silly season, but that is simply not silly. And if you think you are being funny, let me tell you... YOU ARE NOT. These young men have committed themselves to play for UT, a school that we love. So lets show a little respect. Grow up and Go vols.

It gets real stupid around here during the off season.
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referring to another thread..another poster

I agree with you though, making fun of ugly children is not funny... unless they are REALLY horrendous looking.
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Not about this patricular post, but I did see a 2014 commit comment on twitter something to the affect of fake fans, and some guy ask what he was talking about, and he said go to that "volnation" site and you will see what I am talking about. So yes they do visit this site, and yes they do talk about it. So I agree this site needs to be a posotive thing not something negetive all the time............flame away
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Not about this patricular post, but I did see a 2014 commit comment on twitter something to the affect of fake fans, and some guy ask what he was talking about, and he said go to that "volnation" site and you will see what I am talking about. So yes they do visit this site, and yes they do talk about it. So I agree this site needs to be a posotive thing not something negetive all the time............flame away

And you will be surprised by the amount of vfl's that look at this website.
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Not about this patricular post, but I did see a 2014 commit comment on twitter something to the affect of fake fans, and some guy ask what he was talking about, and he said go to that "volnation" site and you will see what I am talking about. So yes they do visit this site, and yes they do talk about it. So I agree this site needs to be a posotive thing not something negetive all the time............flame away

You are correct.
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Not about this patricular post, but I did see a 2014 commit comment on twitter something to the affect of fake fans, and some guy ask what he was talking about, and he said go to that "volnation" site and you will see what I am talking about. So yes they do visit this site, and yes they do talk about it. So I agree this site needs to be a posotive thing not something negetive all the time............flame away

He's most likely referring to trolls...hence the FAKE remark...sincetheyrenotrealfans
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Not about this patricular post, but I did see a 2014 commit comment on twitter something to the affect of fake fans, and some guy ask what he was talking about, and he said go to that "volnation" site and you will see what I am talking about. So yes they do visit this site, and yes they do talk about it. So I agree this site needs to be a posotive thing not something negetive all the time............flame away

You're right.

We should be planting sunflowers and singing songs of the glory of the 28-34 (11-29 SEC) Vols. We're all still here because we love UT but there hasn't been much good to say in a very long time.

If these kids want to go to the NFL they'll realize real quick that the scrutiny they're placed in at college is nothing like the NFL. If they have thin skins, they better hope the Jets or Eagles don't draft them.

I can only imagine a Marine sitting in an LAV, refusing to get out. His fireteam leader is yelling at him to get out and he replies "but someone on Huffington Post said something that hurt my feelings, now I am conflicted about my commitment". Oh, right, that doesn't happen.

Thinking they care (if they do, they shouldn't) what a bunch of yokels think is asinine.
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You're right.

We should be planting sunflowers and singing songs of the glory of the 28-34 (11-29 SEC) Vols. We're all still here because we love UT but there hasn't been much good to say in a very long time.

If these kids want to go to the NFL they'll realize real quick that the scrutiny they're placed in at college is nothing like the NFL. If they have thin skins, they better hope the Jets or Eagles don't draft them.

I can only imagine a Marine sitting in an LAV, refusing to get out. His fireteam leader is yelling at him to get out and he replies "but someone on Huffington Post said something that hurt my feelings, now I am conflicted about my commitment". Oh, right, that doesn't happen.

Thinking they care (if they do, they shouldn't) what a bunch of yokels think is asinine.

I blame this on bleeding hearts

They have been allowed to foster an environment that hides children from disappointment and failure. We are creating a society for the weak of mind.

Life sucks sometimes and you better learn to frickin deal with it
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Good thing all schools don't have rogue fans that act so immaturely. Oh, wait...
I'm sorry guys but most the these recruits know who the real Vol fans are. Give them a little more credit. I keep hearing the same ole "these are 18 year old kids." Yea, but most of these kids are bright enough to know the score. You would think some of these recruits are toddlers by the way some of you defend them.
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I blame this on bleeding hearts

They have been allowed to foster an environment that hides children from disappointment and failure. We are creating a society for the weak of mind.

Life sucks sometimes and you better learn to frickin deal with it

You're being generous there. But what do I know, I'm just a keyboard jockey.

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