I'm sorry guys but most the these recruits know who the real Vol fans are. Give them a little more credit. I keep hearing the same ole "these are 18 year old kids." Yea, but most of these kids are bright enough to know the score. You would think some of these recruits are toddlers by the way some of you defend them.
Not about this patricular post, but I did see a 2014 commit comment on twitter something to the affect of fake fans, and some guy ask what he was talking about, and he said go to that "volnation" site and you will see what I am talking about. So yes they do visit this site, and yes they do talk about it. So I agree this site needs to be a posotive thing not something negetive all the time............flame away
It's absolutely certain VolNation has been used as a source for Gruden information by the "media", that players read the sites (McCullers commented on his distaste for being called the "green mile" on message boards), and that during Dooley's tenure other coaches swayed recruits using the trash talking on this site (Bobby Petrino and Ortha Peters if memory serves). Why message board people refuse to admit that what they say can and will be used, against UT is beyond me.
It's absolutely certain VolNation has been used as a source for Gruden information by the "media", that players read the sites (McCullers commented on his distaste for being called the "green mile" on message boards), and that during Dooley's tenure other coaches swayed recruits using the trash talking on this site (Bobby Petrino and Ortha Peters if memory serves). Why message board people refuse to admit that what they say can and will be used, against UT is beyond me.
I blame this on bleeding hearts
They have been allowed to foster an environment that hides children from disappointment and failure. We are creating a society for the weak of mind.
Life sucks sometimes and you better learn to frickin deal with it