Do People Understand Section 230?

I’m sure that their lawyers weren’t pressured by some organization that all lawyers belong too.
I saw a Chicago real estate agent was fired for being in DC at the rally. Not inside the Capitol - just in DC for the rally/march.
It’s called cancel culture. Liberals invented it.

These people literally tried to cancel an election, LOL. Horseshoe theory. Y'all are way more alike than you'd care to admit.

Was it the liberals who tried to cancel Lady Chatterley's Lover? This ****'s been going on forever. Who even knows who started it? I'd bet cancel culture predates our modern ideas of what liberal and conservative even are.
These people literally tried to cancel an election, LOL.

Was it the liberals who tried to cancel Lady Chatterley's Lover? This ****'s been going on forever. Who even knows who started it? I'd bet cancel culture predates our modern ideas of what liberal and conservative even are.
Asking for a forensic audit of disputed states results is canceling an election? Who knew?
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Asking for a forensic audit of disputed states results is canceling an election? Who knew?
You dont go straight to an audit.

You do recounts, and if they dont check out or you find a large enough variance, you then do an audit. None of the states with recounts found large enough variances for audits.
You dont go straight to an audit.

You do recounts, and if they dont check out or you find a large enough variance, you then do an audit. None of the states with recounts found large enough variances for audits.

Recounts do not look into signature verification and other anomalies.
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Has anyone been able to look for evidence?
So now you are in the "we have to investigate to find evidence" crowd?

That **** didnt fly when Trump was the subject, it doesnt fly now that it's part of the election.

Innocent until proven guilty flies both ways. I dont look forward to having to prove my innocence.
So now you are in the "we have to investigate to find evidence" crowd?

That **** didnt fly when Trump was the subject, it doesnt fly now that it's part of the election.

Innocent until proven guilty flies both ways. I dont look forward to having to prove my innocence.

Not at all. There were enough statistical anomalies with this election cycle along with completely new procedures and processes in some states that I don't see why anyone would object to an audit. If everything was done right it would give the left a loaded cannon to fire back at the GOP. But with the appearance of hiding and being afraid of a full audit hurts the faith in our elections.
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So now you are in the "we have to investigate to find evidence" crowd?

That **** didnt fly when Trump was the subject, it doesnt fly now that it's part of the election.

Innocent until proven guilty flies both ways. I dont look forward to having to prove my innocence.
There were hundreds of sworn affidavits. That is evidence. How do you ignore that?
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Not at all. There were enough statistical anomalies with this election cycle along with completely new procedures and processes in some states that I don't see why anyone would object to an audit. If everything was done right it would give the left a loaded cannon to fire back at the GOP. But with the appearance of hiding and being afraid of a full audit hurts the faith in our elections.

Total BS Hog and you know it. What statistical anomalies?

The 2020 election is the most investigated, most litigated election in history (got that from Murdock's WSJ when they were venting over Trump not letting it go). And they got nothing, zip, nada. Kari Lake is on her 3rd lawsuit. What the heck else do you want them to spend government money (isn't that what you complain about) on investigating?
Total BS Hog and you know it. What statistical anomalies?

The 2020 election is the most investigated, most litigated election in history (got that from Murdock's WSJ when they were venting over Trump not letting it go). And they got nothing, zip, nada. Kari Lake is on her 3rd lawsuit. What the heck else do you want them to spend government money (isn't that what you complain about) on investigating?

Thinking of me must really put a stir in your loins to quote a post over two years old just to get my attention. I’m taken you perv.
Supreme Court, in decision this week, shows no interest in messing with Section 230.

Agreed that I am not interested in doing away with sec 230. At issue is more of an antitrust sentiment where all major levers of communications are dominated by one side. With Elon opening up twitter (i.e. market forces correcting naturally) I am not sure there is the same impetus for this as before.

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