When I started at UT in the 1970's just after the Dickey years and was there when Bill Battle resigned, I was always shocked when UT lost. I was young and I thought Tennessee was equal to anyone. I was particularly perturbed when one of my fraternity brothers came back to the fraternity house after losing to bama one year and put on a Michigan shirt. I told him if he wanted to be a Wolverine so much why didn't he just transfer.
I was there when the Vols beat bama in 1982 which was somewhat analogous to where we are today. Tennessee was unranked and bama was like #2. So I guess I have always been a very orange glasses kind of guy. I have to admit the only time in my entire time of being an orange blooded orange blood that I had doubts about the Vols being able to beat anyone was only during one period, from the half-time of the Mizzou game through that debacle with Vandy. I felt that way because I didn't think the players thought they could win because their coach gave up on them. Otherwise, I am onboard with the Vols being able to win. I was optimistic that Chaney and the Vols would beat Kentucky and they did.
I think the players have bought into Coach Jones' philosophy -- one play at a time, win each play, earn the right to win, and the game will take care of itself. You can call that "duh" or you can call that the ultimate goal but nevertheless it is a mindset. Winning comes with having the athletes who can win, believing they can win, executing, and never letting up.
I believe the Vols know that it is possible to beat Oklahoma and they've been coached on what it will take to earn that monumental achievement. Now they've got to go out and JUST DO IT!