Do today's players have the attitude of Deacon Jones?

No reason not to either. Afterthe game that is.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

Not picking on you, but every week there are numerous threads about hated fans. These are just fans, not participants. Some people on here have said they wouldn't piss on (Bama, UF, UGA, Vandy) fans if they were on fire.

But the fans want the players to gather in a circle after the game?
It's not a war, but there's no reason to be buddy buddy with your opponents either.

Even boxers who beat the crap out of each other for 12 rounds give a hug when the match is over. It's part of being an athlete....knowing how to turn it on when it's game time, and how to turn it off when the game is over.
I think they should all line up and shake hands after the game. They should not get their juice boxes until they do. I have no problem with Deacon's attitude about it or the converse view. I really have no opinion on the post game prayer sessions. I did find the 30 seconds comment funny though.
Even boxers who beat the crap out of each other for 12 rounds give a hug when the match is over. It's part of being an athlete....knowing how to turn it on when it's game time, and how to turn it off when the game is over.

I don't see any reason to get together with the other team after the game.

Not doing it isn't unsportsmanlike. Doing it is nothing. Being a sportsman involves more than shaking a guy's hand after the game. Praying with the other team doesn't make you a better person and has nothing to do with sportsmanship.

I'm not a dick because I don't go love on the other players after the game, and I don't have any problem with them feeling the same way. This doesn't mean I'm going to go beat the hell out of them a week after I play them.
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I don't see any reason to get together with the other team after the game.

Not doing it isn't unsportsmanlike. Doing it is nothing. Being a sportsman involves more than shaking a guy's hand after the game. Praying with the other team doesn't make you a better person and has nothing to do with sportsmanship.

I'm not a dick because I don't go love on the other players after the game, and I don't have any problem with them feeling the same way. This doesn't mean I'm going to go beat the hell out of them a week after I play them.

No one called you a Richard. And your post above is pretty reasonable. I'm not advocating that everyone needs to have a love fest after a game, but Deacon is playing that "the game was better when I played" card and it's BS. There's nothing wrong with guys getting together to pray after the game. And there's nothing wrong with not doing it either.
No one called you a Richard. And your post above is pretty reasonable. I'm not advocating that everyone needs to have a love fest after a game, but Deacon is playing that "the game was better when I played" card and it's BS. There's nothing wrong with guys getting together to pray after the game. And there's nothing wrong with not doing it either.

To be fair I think the game was a lot better around 1998.
I don't think They do Kids today are soft. I'd like to see the Tennessee defensive players get the attitude of Tennessee and NFL great Doug Atkins!
Even boxers who beat the crap out of each other for 12 rounds give a hug when the match is over. It's part of being an athlete....knowing how to turn it on when it's game time, and how to turn it off when the game is over.

Some do....Some don't.

Mike Tyson didnt do much hugging, if I remember correctly he was a more "ima eat your children" kind of guy.
Go to "War" with your "Brothers", Pray with your "Brothers". Unfortunately most of these kids grow up playing together and get "chummy" at Camps and OVs. It's very difficult for them to develop genuine disdain for each other unless there is a rivalry. Coaches focus more on technique and responsibility than "Rivalry"... But !!! Things are cyclical, we will see a time when athletics are destroyed or personal Pride is returned to the outcome of the game played. Just my 2 cents...
Si, tu actitude neccesita estar muy fuerte, pero puedes ser un caballero y respectar los otras futbolistas tambien y congregarse con ellos despues el jugar.

That, sir, is horrendous Spanish. Web translator, I'm guessing.

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