Potential hell, it's pure genious. Now all we need is a couple of Volunteers to carry out the plan "'tween the hedges"!! Sorta like in the movie The Great Escape, every little squirt adds to the intended outcome just like in the movie every cup of dirt spread out in the exercise yard hid the existence of the tunnel!!! :angel:I don't care what you say . . . win or lose, my Roundup idea has potential.
Potential hell, it's pure genious. Now all we need is a couple of Volunteers to carry out the plan "'tween the hedges"!! Sorta like in the movie The Great Escape, every little squirt adds to the intended outcome just like in the movie every cup of dirt spread out in the exercise yard hid the existence of the tunnel!!! :angel:
By "walk off the field" after a win, you guys do mean AFTER a couple of rounds of Rocky Top, right???