Do you Draft a VOL??

You have a short memory. The last time we played, your team had to make a comeback just to keep it within ten points. Atlanta had 35 total yards at the half.
Before that, it took a poor coaching decision to give you a chance to win the game by 2 points at home.

Neither are Vols, OP, but if you are choosing between Cam Newton and Matt Ryan in fantasy football...the choice is clear.

Matt Ryan
I'll definitely look at taking CP or Hunter in the later rounds, but QB is deep is deep this year so unless Peyton happens to slip into the 5th round or so, then I won't pick a QB until later.
I don't make a habit of it but I will take one in the later rounds based on what I know. Did it for D Moore a couple seasons ago and he did well as a sub. Missed Foster by a couple of picks (4th or 5th rnd) when he broke out

once a player is in the league it's a little harder to hide than if he just got to the NFL from UT
I only played fantasy football for 2 years - this was several years ago, maybe 2005-2006. The first year I drafted primarily Vols, along with a few other SEC guys. I won the league.

The second year I didn't follow that methodology and failed to make the playoffs.
I think CP produces before Hunter

Probably so, but I think the Titans will give Hunter every chance to beat out Nate Washington. If that happened, I think they'd be happy to shed Washington's contract in favor of Hunter. That being said, I don't expect that to happen.
You have a short memory. The last time we played, your team had to make a comeback just to keep it within ten points. Atlanta had 35 total yards at the half.
Before that, it took a poor coaching decision to give you a chance to win the game by 2 points at home.

Neither are Vols, OP, but if you are choosing between Cam Newton and Matt Ryan in fantasy football...the choice is clear.

Perhaps my memory was clouded by our 13-3 record...I suppose when you only beat 7 teams, the wins are more memorable, especially against the division leader. Nonetheless, Cam Newton has said he roots for the Falcons when they are playing any team other than the panthers, and he's what? 1-3 against the Falcons? I know if Matt Ryan came out and said that about the panthers I'd be pissed.

Between Matt and Cam, I think any person who isn't a panthers fan picks Matt. Keep in mind, Matt Ryan throws to Julio Jones, Roddy White, and Tony G (arguably the best receiving corps in the league) and the addition of Stephen Jackson makes HB screens a real threat.
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Never draft rookie receivers unless you are in a league that counts return yards. I may take a flier with my final pick on a Vol rookie but I never expect much.

Unless there's an exception like an AJ Green caliber player

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