Do you think Pearl subs too much???

Do you think CBP subs too much?

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I always thought we subbed too much, but I thought Jason Shay was in charge of that during the game. I'm sure they come up with a plan before the game though.
Pearl has not gone 10-12 deep with any team he has had at UT. He basically went 7 deep his first year, 9 deep the following year, 9 deep the following year, and 9 deep this year. He has occasionally played 10 guys in the pre-conference schedule but has always cut the rotation by the time the team hit the conference schedule. So before insulting every person that dares to criticize your hero Pearl, have some clue what you're talking about.

What proves this? You gave no detail, your a joke. He always goes ten deep. If you ever played basketball you'd know that there isn't much difference in coaching strategy when going 9 deep or 10 deep. And yes he has always gone at least 9 deep usually it's ten deep if not more. You have no Clue, your an insult to ur family.

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