Dobbs/Ferguson- Senior Highlights!

Who do you like to have a better chance to get PT this year as of now?

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Apr 18, 2009
I'm stoked to see if either one can come in right away or during the season and make an impact.

We're lucky and i'm glad we have both but I posted a poll above about the chance of PT this year between the two. I guess I could have added "none" as an option if there's a way to edit that I would be glad to do so.

I'm sure a lot of us has seen Ferguson's highlights seeing it's been out for 6 months now, Dobbs put his up two weeks ago.

Here's both

Riley Ferguson Senior Highlights - YouTube - Riley

Joshua Dobbs QB 2012 Senior Highlights HD - YouTube - Josh
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Fergs is a risk-taker but that man can see the field. I had no idea how mobile he is. I wish he had a little more zip on some of his passes to wide open recievers but other than that he's a baller.
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I couldn't see Dobbs but Ferguson was impressive with the way he keeps his eyes downfield when he leaves the pocket.
His throws, especially when rolling out, were money (of course this is a highlight video) and he can squeeze them into tight spaces.
He looked great standing and moving around in the pocket and even when he tucked it and ran he showed some elusiveness.
I think we are in good shape for the future if Dobbs' video is anywhere close.
Dobb look better than Ferguson but that me. I take whoever came on top and who Butch Jones want to start when their time have come! Go Vols!!!
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From the highlights alone... I would just hand the keys to dobbs.... Riley looked good too..... but the defenses in dobbs highlights seemed much better..... His receivers got caught from behind quite a few times..... I dont know much about offenses but his seemed like a much more timing based, which is what I think we are going to run to have any success this year, given that we will be underdogs in a lot of games this year.

I also hope Riley proves me wrong....
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Both show elusiveness on the run but I think Dobbs speed is deceptive and he's probably a step quicker. In the pocket they both create seperation well and aren't afraid to use their feet, which is what we want to see. I think Ferguson makes better passes on the run but both players are obviously keeping their eyes downfield, creating plays and waiting for receivers to open up. Dobbs I think has the better footwork of the two. And both their long balls looked the same, so it's tough to say which had the better highlight reel since Dobbs is so damn long. In the end they are both very similar prospects with above average mobility and great instincts. Dobbs made more plays on his feet, but Ferguson made tougher throws. Really, I like what I see out of both of them and don't really see one as better than the other. Both are ballers.
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Dobbs looks better in these videos to me. He is quick and elusive in the open field and seems to be pretty accurate with his throws. Ferguson makes some great plays too be it just seems like Dobbs jumps off the screen more IMO. It'll be great to have them both in K-town to join the QB battle we have going already.
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I'm tickled Orange to have them both. I'll hold my judgement till we actually see them against college competition. Ready for football NOW but have a long way to go.
I have never seen either of them play so I have no idea. Both appear to have great skills and to be winners. My guess is that the one who avoids injury or turns out to be the more accurate passer will play the most.
Riley would be my starting quarterback if I were coach, but only because my scheme would fit to his passing style more. For CBJ, I think Dobbs is the better fit. But I honestly think they both deserve a shot. They both looked great in the film. I think Ferguson is the better passer. But Dobbs is more balanced.
Don't have time to watch the videos all the way through, but I'm leaning more towards Dobbs.

I just see Butch and Co. leaning more towards a dual threat QB, but I think the coaching staff are smart enough to take what they have and make the most of it...mold the offense around the QB's strengths.

Should be interesting to see how it all works out.

Happy Memorial Day, VN!
Judging from those videos, Dobbs is the more advanced passer of the 2 and has a stonger arm and much better zip on the ball.....Ferguson is a really good scrambler and improviser, though, but i would have to guess that Dobbs skills will translate better to the SEC than Ferguson...from what i saw Ferguson has a noodle for an arm...he reminds me of Connor Shaw...
Just re-watched the entire Elite 11 Finals where both participated and were ranked as one of the 11 at some point during the competition.

What stood out to me about this competition was that the physical playmaking wasn't an issue for either guy but Ferguson struggled to grasp the plays and reads. I understand that they only have a few days to learn 81 plays but just commenting on what was said by the staff.

Sounds like they both have the physical tools.

For those that have never seen the week long competition, Ferguson was top 11 out of 25 the first two days (as high as #8) and battling an injured thumb on his throwing hand. The staff said he was still competing strong and making throws but struggled with plays and reads and eventually fell out of the top 11. Dobbs, although they never featured him or showed any highlights for him, finished the week in the top 11 and from what I could gather was ranked around 4 - 6 on the list.

Just FYI.
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I agree UT has the best QB recruiting in the nation,

Ferg has better footwork and reads the play as it develops, when he sets his feet has a good arm, with good foot speed and a swag that will work his butt off to get on the field. Looks to me like he didn't have a very good line and was always had rushers in the backfield. great fit for a incoming Fresh.

Dobbs seem to have read the play before it starts, knows who he is going to throw to before the play starts, reads the "D" before the snap, better than average speed. Has what I call the Short Stop swag, but the arm to get you down field with a quick release to match, I believe his ability to learn the playbook is his advantage...but summer school will be the tell tell story.
Both show elusiveness on the run but I think Dobbs speed is deceptive and he's probably a step quicker. In the pocket they both create seperation well and aren't afraid to use their feet, which is what we want to see. I think Ferguson makes better passes on the run but both players are obviously keeping their eyes downfield, creating plays and waiting for receivers to open up. Dobbs I think has the better footwork of the two. And both their long balls looked the same, so it's tough to say which had the better highlight reel since Dobbs is so damn long. In the end they are both very similar prospects with above average mobility and great instincts. Dobbs made more plays on his feet, but Ferguson made tougher throws. Really, I like what I see out of both of them and don't really see one as better than the other. Both are ballers.

I have to give the nod to Dobbs of the two. They both are very good QB's, but I think Dobbs is maybe a bit more athletic than Riley. On the scramble, Dobbs has a nice little spin move, though that may not work in the SEC. Chance of getting hurt if it doesn't work. I agree we got 2 above average guys that will both fit will both fit well in Butch's spread. Both QB's have really good receivers, but did did you notice Dobb's receivers got a ton of yards after their catches. Toss it up, and may the better man win.

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