Dobbs is the only logical choice.

Dobbs is an African American.

The last time we started one, he won us a National Title in his only year with the job.
1 year. 1 National Title.
100% National Title winning percentage in the BCS era with an African American taking snaps.

Dobbs has four (4) years left here at UT.
4 years with the 100% National Title winning percentage under African American quarterbacks = Four (4) National Titles in Four (4) years.

4 of 4.
Bama is currently 3 of 4.

4/4 > 3/4

Tennessee > Bama

IF and ONLY IF Dobbs starts asap.

Need more proof? Well I got it.

Tee Martin took over after the Peyton Manning Era.

Peyton Manning = The Greatest Vol Quarterback of all time.

Dobbs will take over after the Tyler Bray Era.

Tyler Bray broke some of Peyton's Records.

Therefore: Tyler Bray > Peyton Manning

Thus meaning: Dobbs > Martin

What's that you say? Martin was Undefeated as a starter?

That means Dobbs will do better than perfection? Madness!! Impossible!!

No sir, possible.

See: Vols win 14 games every year under Dobbs.
14 x 4 = 56 Wins
Due to UT curbstomping all of college football, the NFL invites the Vols to play the NFL Champion Denver Broncos in a winner takes all Super Super Bowl. Peyton Manning is the starter for Denver while Dobbs takes the snaps for UT. UT wins by 28. Why? Follow me once more.

Peyton as a Vol = 0 NT
Martin as a Vol = 1 NT

Martin > Peyton

Bray as a Vol = 0 NT
Dobbs as a Vol = 4 NT

Dobbs > Bray

4>1>0>0 (Numbers stand for the number of National Titles won by the QB's)

Dobbs > Manning

Dobbs beats Manning in head-to-head battle.
Dobbs and Vols win Super Bowl.

That makes the final total...

4 National Titles
56 Collegiate Wins
1 NFL Win
1 Super Bowl Victory

I don't know why Butch hasn't started him sooner.
I thought he got it...:ermm:

That sounds very offensive to white people.
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Brent Schaeffer started as a freshman. I don't remember winning that National Championship, can you please refresh my memory.
OP: Why did I just have flashbacks to the 2008 presidential election?
I get your reverse troll op. You don't want a Black qb and think people only want Dobbs because he is Black. Just like the last two bringing up Obama. They think Black people only voted for Obama because he was Black and not because of the Republican incompetence and horrible policies.
Idk about all this info, but i will say ive been dying for dobbs to start ever since he flipped to us day before NSD. Put him on and lets make a bowl game.
Dobbs is an African American.

The last time we started one, he won us a National Title in his only year with the job.
1 year. 1 National Title.
100% National Title winning percentage in the BCS era with an African American taking snaps.

Dobbs has four (4) years left here at UT.
4 years with the 100% National Title winning percentage under African American quarterbacks = Four (4) National Titles in Four (4) years.

4 of 4.
Bama is currently 3 of 4.

4/4 > 3/4

Tennessee > Bama

IF and ONLY IF Dobbs starts asap.

Need more proof? Well I got it.

Tee Martin took over after the Peyton Manning Era.

Peyton Manning = The Greatest Vol Quarterback of all time.

Dobbs will take over after the Tyler Bray Era.

Tyler Bray broke some of Peyton's Records.

Therefore: Tyler Bray > Peyton Manning

Thus meaning: Dobbs > Martin

What's that you say? Martin was Undefeated as a starter?

That means Dobbs will do better than perfection? Madness!! Impossible!!

No sir, possible.

See: Vols win 14 games every year under Dobbs.
14 x 4 = 56 Wins
Due to UT curbstomping all of college football, the NFL invites the Vols to play the NFL Champion Denver Broncos in a winner takes all Super Super Bowl. Peyton Manning is the starter for Denver while Dobbs takes the snaps for UT. UT wins by 28. Why? Follow me once more.

Peyton as a Vol = 0 NT
Martin as a Vol = 1 NT

Martin > Peyton

Bray as a Vol = 0 NT
Dobbs as a Vol = 4 NT

Dobbs > Bray

4>1>0>0 (Numbers stand for the number of National Titles won by the QB's)

Dobbs > Manning

Dobbs beats Manning in head-to-head battle.
Dobbs and Vols win Super Bowl.

That makes the final total...

4 National Titles
56 Collegiate Wins
1 NFL Win
1 Super Bowl Victory

I don't know why Butch hasn't started him sooner.
I thought he got it...:ermm:

I remember that we were all calling for Stephens to replace Compton in 2008. Well, we got our wish and it didn't work out any better.

Let the coaches make the decisions. Don't you realize that they see things in these players in practice that we aren't priviledge to seeing? They know the situation better than we do...
Dobbs is an African American.

The last time we started one, he won us a National Title in his only year with the job.
1 year. 1 National Title.
100% National Title winning percentage in the BCS era with an African American taking snaps.

Dobbs has four (4) years left here at UT.
4 years with the 100% National Title winning percentage under African American quarterbacks = Four (4) National Titles in Four (4) years.

4 of 4.
Bama is currently 3 of 4.

4/4 > 3/4

Tennessee > Bama

IF and ONLY IF Dobbs starts asap.

Need more proof? Well I got it.

Tee Martin took over after the Peyton Manning Era.

Peyton Manning = The Greatest Vol Quarterback of all time.

Dobbs will take over after the Tyler Bray Era.

Tyler Bray broke some of Peyton's Records.

Therefore: Tyler Bray > Peyton Manning

Thus meaning: Dobbs > Martin

What's that you say? Martin was Undefeated as a starter?

That means Dobbs will do better than perfection? Madness!! Impossible!!

No sir, possible.

See: Vols win 14 games every year under Dobbs.
14 x 4 = 56 Wins
Due to UT curbstomping all of college football, the NFL invites the Vols to play the NFL Champion Denver Broncos in a winner takes all Super Super Bowl. Peyton Manning is the starter for Denver while Dobbs takes the snaps for UT. UT wins by 28. Why? Follow me once more.

Peyton as a Vol = 0 NT
Martin as a Vol = 1 NT

Martin > Peyton

Bray as a Vol = 0 NT
Dobbs as a Vol = 4 NT

Dobbs > Bray

4>1>0>0 (Numbers stand for the number of National Titles won by the QB's)

Dobbs > Manning

Dobbs beats Manning in head-to-head battle.
Dobbs and Vols win Super Bowl.

That makes the final total...

4 National Titles
56 Collegiate Wins
1 NFL Win
1 Super Bowl Victory

I don't know why Butch hasn't started him sooner.
I thought he got it...:ermm:

I am white and my wife is black. I always tell her how much cooler she is than me. I back up my theory with similar logic. Besides Urkel and Carlton I can't think of any other black nerds. Therefore black >(cooler) than white
OP, the madness of your method shows method in your madness. That kind of loony logic and tongue in cheek post gets a like from me.
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He's African American, start him

this thread is begging for this clown to show up
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