Does anyone care?

I care, otherwise I wouldn't be going up there tomorrow. Is it a big or even important game, no. But it is the last game of a disappointing season, and I hope we can finish off with a W and move on to next season.
Sadly a win does nearly nothing for us but a loss would be unbearable

Losing to both Vandy and Uk in same season would burn up all of the good will jones has built up -- even if this is year zero (or even negative one)
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Wrong. That failed fake field goal was like pumping adrenaline into Vandy. Plus they picked up a couple of first downs and flipped field position. Also, it's not one fake field goal this staff has made questionable decisions all year long.

Above is absolutely correct.

If we lose to KY then Dave Hart should only be allowed back on campus to clear his desk. We may as well use the opportunity to fire Jimmy Cheek as well.

Butch will have to keep this class together and show DRAMATIC across the board improvements in Year Two with a less experienced team.

Otherwise, we're back on Gruden-watch.

This game matters.
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If we walk out of Lexington tomorrow with an L against the team they will field it will be extremely difficult to find progress.

Not really, it depends on how everybody plays. North is out which may hamper the offense even more. However the other WRs may have a great game, so could Dobbs. Last week the defense played a good game, definitely some progress there. I don't want to lose to UK nor do I think we will. But to me showing progress is more important. Just my opinion.
I care, otherwise I wouldn't be going up there tomorrow. Is it a big or even important game, no. But it is the last game of a disappointing season, and I hope we can finish off with a W and move on to next season.

Be safe & help the Vols bring back victory, ATC! Fans like you are truly Orange-blooded.
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Everyone needs to chill out about the 4th down fake. Granted I wish we would haven chosen a different play (Palardy throwing for 20 yards is..... risky to say the least), but going for the fake was a smart decision. Butch said we needed a TD on that drive and he was absolutely right. If we settle for the field goal there Vandy still wins 14-13.

Plus he was hitting into a howling wind and obviously something was not right with Palardy that night...,I was there and understood why he did it.,,,don't camp on that call for Pete sakes!!!!
North being out doesn't matter as long as Dobbs can't throw. Dobbs will hand off to Neal all day long and hope we can score enough to stay ahead of UK. Palardy may have to kick us out of this one. It could come down to a FG.
Above is absolutely correct.

If we lose to KY then Dave Hart should only be allowed back on campus to clear his desk. We may as well use the opportunity to fire Jimmy Cheek as well.

Butch will have to keep this class together and show DRAMATIC across the board improvements in Year Two with a less experienced team.

Otherwise, we're back on Gruden-watch.

This game matters.

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Wrong. That failed fake field goal was like pumping adrenaline into Vandy. Plus they picked up a couple of first downs and flipped field position. Also, it's not one fake field goal this staff has made questionable decisions all year long.

I think there was more to it than just believing UT needed a TD there. I think the reason he went for the fake there is because something was wrong with Palardy that day, whether physical or mental, I don't know. But he couldn't get a kickoff into the endzone, hell, one of his kicks barely got inside the 20, and another only got to the 10. His punts all day were low, short, and wobbly. And he was 1 for 2 on prior FG attempts, having missed a short FG and barely made another short one after it bounced off the side bar. I don't think he had any faith in Palardy's ability that day to hit a FG in the 45 yd range. I don't think any coach just randomly decides to fake a FG on 4th and 19 nursing a 3-pt lead unless they believe their kicker has no chance of making the FG.
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I care and I hope the team cares.

Every player wants to win every game, believe me. I am sick of everyone saying this team donesn't know how to win and are used to losing. BS. Do you think they work 6 days a week 7/8 hrs a day to go out on Saturday and NOT want to win.
Truly, I am amazed that this game made the TV airwaves. What will the ratings be outside the borders of Tennessee? So many better games on the other channels. I will DVR and watch later. [ and I am a donor and season ticket holder living out of state]. After witnessing first hand the Vandy performance I cannot rationalize missing bigger TV games in the NCAA.
Every game is important, no matter the circumstances. Not to mention that if we lose, Ohio state will then be the only team to never lose 8 games in a season. There's a lot at stake here. More than one might originally think.

:lolabove:Well said. Totally on board with this! Yes, Virginia, every game matters.
Truly, I am amazed that this game made the TV airwaves. What will the ratings be outside the borders of Tennessee? So many better games on the other channels. I will DVR and watch later. [ and I am a donor and season ticket holder living out of state]. After witnessing first hand the Vandy performance I cannot rationalize missing bigger TV games in the NCAA.

This is exactly what I thought. This game had noon kickoff written all over it. Outside of Tennessee and Kentucky, who would want to watch the game after that joke of a Vandy game
Sorry to admit that I don't care much about the UK game. I have heard one too many euphemisms and catch phrases and seen precious little improvement in this team.
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How can a Vol not care? This team needs a win to have a positive to carry into the off season. This staff may not have won as many games as some of you folks thought but they have won the recruiting battles so far. This staff needs to get them on campus next year so they will be VFL. A loss could cause decommits.
I tried and tried to tell myself I refuse to watch this game, considering how mad I am at UT Football, but I simply can't. I love this team and I'm going to take advantage of watching them play, while as long as I'm blessed to. They only play Kentucky once a year, so enjoy it.
I'll be watching because it's the Vols, and cheering my team like I always do. If I'm being honest though, I'm more interested in the other games that are playing at the same time.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
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We don't play Arkansas :)

Which brings up a good point. Why do the teams we do not play annually always seem to hit their good strides during the years we play them? Auburn - don't play them last year when they were arguably worse than us. Arky - last time we played, they destroyed us. Now they may be worse than us. Miss St. - probably a beatable team for us this year, but not the last time we played them.

Just how badly has the Vandy loss affected the interest in the Ky game. I have been talking to long-time Vol fans all week at work and the consensus is -the game is not important. Is this accurate ( my sample) or does the game matter? I am sure that I will get angry if we lose ( I have been angry almost every weekend lately) but I hadn't even seen what time KO is til tonight and I may not watch it even if I am home. That stupid fake-field goal call is going to burn a long time, it was staggeringly stupid and changed my opinion of Butch. Maybe I am being too tough on Butch but I had to go back to the fake punt that Bill Battle called in the Ga game that blew up in his face . He never recovered from that. That is the only bonehead play I can compare it with. WTF? That call changed to whole feel of the game.

Butch plays aggressive. Which is a lot more than Dooley did. When they say they aren't going to leave any bullets in the gun, they mean it. Sometimes it pays off, sometimes it doesnt. Butch also went for it on three straight 4th downs against Florida (I think it was Florida?) and we got all of them. It's a Sean Peyton style of high risk/ high reward and I'm okay with that. Just wait till our offense is really clicking with his coaching style. We will see a lot more crazy things than a fake field goal on 4th and 19... and sometimes it will pay off and sometimes it won't. But I'm okay with that. Play aggressive and leave no bullets in the gun!
I think its really hard to get up for a game when you think the players are not giving it their all. After watching the Vandy gm anybody could see that our guys was just not in to it.

Unfortunately this seems to be the case alot over the last 4 years.
This is the most important game of the year. Team 117 can make very negative history without the win. No Tennessee team has lost 8 games in a season.
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